友清 龍一郎 ヒトクラスAマクロファージスカベンジャークラス受容体に対するモノクローナル抗体の作製とこれを用いたヒト組織の検索ならびに動物種との交叉性
(2001年度 外科学第一講座)
陣内 克紀 肝肉芽腫形成におけるCCケモカイン受容体2の役割
(2004年度 内科学第三講座)
吉松 美佳 非アルコール性脂肪肝炎におけるMacrophage receptor with a collagenous structure (MARCO) の発現とエンドトキシンの関与
(2004年度 細胞病理学分野)
菰原 義弘 マウス胎生期におけるクラスAスカベンジャー受容体I, II型 (CD204) の発現はアポトーシス細胞の処理に必須ではない
(2004年度 細胞病理学分野)
大熊 利之 ブレオマイシン肺線維症におけるC-Cケモカイン受容体2(CCR2) の役割
(2005年度 消化器外科学分野)
早崎 剛典 CCケモカイン受容体2欠損は心筋虚血・再灌流における酸化ストレスと梗塞サイズを軽減する
(2005年度 循環器内科学分野)
辻田 賢一 急性心筋梗塞患者における再灌流傷害に対するエダラボンの効果
(2006年度 循環器内科学分野)
小林 広典 高濃度酸素曝露による急性肺傷害におけるクラスAスカベンジャー受容体(CD204)の役割
(2006年度 呼吸器外科学分野)
堀川 朝広 モルモットマクロファージを認識する新しいCD68モノクローナル抗体の作製と解析
(2007年度 整形外科学分野)
本多 剛 肥大型心筋症における冠攣縮性狭心症の頻度と臨床的特徴
(2007年度 循環器内科学分野)
佐藤 広生 ヒトおよびマウス胎盤におけるLOX-1の組識学的同定
(2008年度 整形外科学分野)
竹村 健一 クラスAスカベンジャー受容体によるRANK発現増強を介した破骨細胞分化制御
(2009年度 整形外科学分野)
大西 紘二 ランゲルハンス細胞組織球症においてマクロファージはM2型に分化し、病態形成に関わっている
(2009年度 細胞病理学分野)
雷 小峰 ヒトマクロファージ泡沫化に伴って ACAT1 陽性後期エンドゾームが出現する
(2009年度 細胞病理学分野)
高石 清美 転写因子Stat3を介した卵巣癌細胞とマクロファージとの細胞間相互作用
(2010年度 産科婦人科学分野)
森松 嘉孝 モノクロタリンによるラット肺高血圧症は、低圧・低酸素環境下にて重症化し plexiform lesion を形成する
(2011年度 細胞病理学分野)
哈斯塔 肝内胆菅癌におけるM2マクロファージの役割
(2011年度 消化器外科学分野)
伊藤 史子 子宮内膜症の発生・進展における腹腔マクロファージと子宮内膜間質細胞の転写因子Stat3を介した細胞間相互作用
(2012年度 産科婦人科学分野)
上川 将史 ACAT1陽性後期エンドゾーム・ライソゾームの誘導によりニーマン・ピック病C型モデルマウスのコレステロール代謝が改善する
(2013年度 整形外科学分野)
白石 大偉輔 GLP-1のマクロファージ活性化に対する作用の解析
(2014年度 整形外科学分野)
元島 崇信 ソラフェニブによる免疫抑制性ミエロイド細胞の制御は免疫療法の効果を増強する
(2015年度 泌尿器科学分野)
西東 洋一 悪性黒色腫における所属リンパ節CD169陽性洞マクロファージを対象とした予後予測の有用性
(2015年度 細胞病理学分野)
坪木 純子 転写因子Stat3を制御する低分子化合物onionin Aによる卵巣癌細胞抗腫瘍作用と癌微小環境制御作用
(2015年度 産科婦人科学分野)
入來 豊久 腫瘍随伴マクロファージと小細胞肺癌細胞の細胞間相互作用によるSTAT3の活性化は小細胞肺癌の増殖に関わる
(2016年度 呼吸器内科学分野)
馬 超亞 腫瘍随伴マクロファージは腎癌細胞におけるCD44発現に関与する
(2016年度 細胞病理学分野)
宮里 祐子 乳癌におけるCD204陽性腫瘍随伴マクロファージの予後予測因子としての有用性
(2017年度 細胞病理学分野)
塩田 拓也 乳癌患者におけるCD169陽性リンパ節マクロファージの臨床的意義
(2017年度 細胞病理学分野)
(2001年度 外科学第一講座)
陣内 克紀 肝肉芽腫形成におけるCCケモカイン受容体2の役割
(2004年度 内科学第三講座)
吉松 美佳 非アルコール性脂肪肝炎におけるMacrophage receptor with a collagenous structure (MARCO) の発現とエンドトキシンの関与
(2004年度 細胞病理学分野)
菰原 義弘 マウス胎生期におけるクラスAスカベンジャー受容体I, II型 (CD204) の発現はアポトーシス細胞の処理に必須ではない
(2004年度 細胞病理学分野)
大熊 利之 ブレオマイシン肺線維症におけるC-Cケモカイン受容体2(CCR2) の役割
(2005年度 消化器外科学分野)
早崎 剛典 CCケモカイン受容体2欠損は心筋虚血・再灌流における酸化ストレスと梗塞サイズを軽減する
(2005年度 循環器内科学分野)
辻田 賢一 急性心筋梗塞患者における再灌流傷害に対するエダラボンの効果
(2006年度 循環器内科学分野)
小林 広典 高濃度酸素曝露による急性肺傷害におけるクラスAスカベンジャー受容体(CD204)の役割
(2006年度 呼吸器外科学分野)
堀川 朝広 モルモットマクロファージを認識する新しいCD68モノクローナル抗体の作製と解析
(2007年度 整形外科学分野)
本多 剛 肥大型心筋症における冠攣縮性狭心症の頻度と臨床的特徴
(2007年度 循環器内科学分野)
佐藤 広生 ヒトおよびマウス胎盤におけるLOX-1の組識学的同定
(2008年度 整形外科学分野)
竹村 健一 クラスAスカベンジャー受容体によるRANK発現増強を介した破骨細胞分化制御
(2009年度 整形外科学分野)
大西 紘二 ランゲルハンス細胞組織球症においてマクロファージはM2型に分化し、病態形成に関わっている
(2009年度 細胞病理学分野)
雷 小峰 ヒトマクロファージ泡沫化に伴って ACAT1 陽性後期エンドゾームが出現する
(2009年度 細胞病理学分野)
高石 清美 転写因子Stat3を介した卵巣癌細胞とマクロファージとの細胞間相互作用
(2010年度 産科婦人科学分野)
森松 嘉孝 モノクロタリンによるラット肺高血圧症は、低圧・低酸素環境下にて重症化し plexiform lesion を形成する
(2011年度 細胞病理学分野)
哈斯塔 肝内胆菅癌におけるM2マクロファージの役割
(2011年度 消化器外科学分野)
伊藤 史子 子宮内膜症の発生・進展における腹腔マクロファージと子宮内膜間質細胞の転写因子Stat3を介した細胞間相互作用
(2012年度 産科婦人科学分野)
上川 将史 ACAT1陽性後期エンドゾーム・ライソゾームの誘導によりニーマン・ピック病C型モデルマウスのコレステロール代謝が改善する
(2013年度 整形外科学分野)
白石 大偉輔 GLP-1のマクロファージ活性化に対する作用の解析
(2014年度 整形外科学分野)
元島 崇信 ソラフェニブによる免疫抑制性ミエロイド細胞の制御は免疫療法の効果を増強する
(2015年度 泌尿器科学分野)
西東 洋一 悪性黒色腫における所属リンパ節CD169陽性洞マクロファージを対象とした予後予測の有用性
(2015年度 細胞病理学分野)
坪木 純子 転写因子Stat3を制御する低分子化合物onionin Aによる卵巣癌細胞抗腫瘍作用と癌微小環境制御作用
(2015年度 産科婦人科学分野)
入來 豊久 腫瘍随伴マクロファージと小細胞肺癌細胞の細胞間相互作用によるSTAT3の活性化は小細胞肺癌の増殖に関わる
(2016年度 呼吸器内科学分野)
馬 超亞 腫瘍随伴マクロファージは腎癌細胞におけるCD44発現に関与する
(2016年度 細胞病理学分野)
宮里 祐子 乳癌におけるCD204陽性腫瘍随伴マクロファージの予後予測因子としての有用性
(2017年度 細胞病理学分野)
塩田 拓也 乳癌患者におけるCD169陽性リンパ節マクロファージの臨床的意義
(2017年度 細胞病理学分野)
1. Sakashita N, Miyazaki A, Takeya M, Horiuchi S, Chang CCY, Chang TY, Takahashi K.
Localization of human acyl-coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase-1 (ACAT-1) in macrophages and in varioustissues.
American Journal of Pathology 156:227-236, 2000.
2. Yamashita T, Ando Y, Suhr OB, Nakamura M, Sakashita N, Ohlsson PI, Terazaki H, Obayashi K, Uchino M, Ando M.
A new diagnostic procedure to detect unknown transthyretin (TTR) mutations in familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP).
Journal of Neurological Science 173:154-159, 2000.
3. Yamashita T, Ando Y, Obayashi K, Terazaki H, Sakashita N, Uchida K, Ohama E, Ando M, Uchino M.
Oxidative injury is present in Purkinje cells in patients with olivopontocerebellar atrophy.
Journal of Neurological Science 175:107-110, 2000.
4. Sakashita N, Ando Y, Obayashi K, Terazaki H, Yamashita T, Takei M, Kinjo M, Takahashi K.
Familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (ATTR Ser50Ile): the first autopsy case report.
Virchows Archivs 436:345-350, 2000.
5. Sakashita N, Miyazaki A, Takeya M, Horiuchi S, Chang CCY, Chang TY, Takahashi K.
Acyl coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT) in macrophage-derived foam cells and its distribution in human organs.
Acta Histochemica et Cytochemica 33:189-194, 2000.
6. Takahashi K, Takeya M, Sakashita N, Yoshimatsu M, and Jinnouchi K.
The role of macrophage scavenger receptors in atherosclerosis.
Seminars in Clinical Immunology, 19:29-38, 2000.
7. Chang CCY, Sakashita N, Ornvold K, Lee O, Chang ET, Dong R, Lin S, Lee Chi-Yu G, Strom S, Kashyap R, Fung J, Farese R, Patoiseau J-F, Delhon A, Chang TY.
Immunological quantitation and localization of ACAT-1 and ACAT-2 in human liver and small intestine.
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8. Lehtolainen P, Takeya M, YlŠ-Herttuala S.
Retrovirus-mediated, stable scavenger-receptor gene transfer leads to functional endocytotic receptor expression, foam cell formation, and increased susceptibility to apoptosis in rabbit aortic smooth muscle cells.
Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 20:52-60, 2000.
9. Usui M, Egashira K, Tomita H, Koyanagi M, Katoh M, Shimokawa H, Takeya M, Yoshimura T, Matsushima K, Takeshita A.
Important role of local angiotensin II activity mediated via type 1 receptor in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular inflammatory changes induced by chronic blockade of nitric oxide synthesis in rats.
Circulation 101:305-310, 2000.
10. Yamate J, Yoshida H, Tsukamoto Y, Ide M, Kuwamura M, Ohashi F, Miyamoto T, Kotani T, Sakuma S, Takeya M.
Distribution of immunopositive cells for AM-3K, a novel antibody recognizing human macrophages, in normal and diseased tissues of the dog, cat, horse, bovine, pig, and rabbit.
Veterinary Pathology 37:168-176, 2000.
11. Harada K, Hara S, Takeya M, Mahmoud Y A-G, Ohmori S, Wei Chang-Nian, Nakagawa T, Ueda A.
Experimental hypersensitivity pneumonitis indiced by Fusarium Kyushuense in mice. International Journal of Occupational Health and Safety 42:124-129, 2000.
12. Koyanagi M, Egashira K, Kitamoto S, Ni W, Shimokawa H, Takeya M, Yoshimura T, Takeshita A.
Role of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 in cardiovascular remodeling induced by chronic blockade of nitric oxide synthesis.
Circulation 102:2243-2248, 2000.
13. Wada Y, Sugiyama A, Kohro T, Kobayashi M, Takeya M, Naito M, Kodama T.
In vitro model of atherosclerosis using coculture of arterial wall cellls and macrophage.
Yonsei Medical Journal 41:740-755, 2000.
14. 竹屋元裕、高橋潔.
遺伝子工学を用いた形質膜の機能解析 マクロファージスカベンジャー受容体と動脈硬化.
月刊組織培養工学 26: 188-191, 2000.
15. 坂下直実、高橋潔.
現代医療 32: 2093-2100, 2000.
16. 宮崎章、チューチューマウン、堀内正公、坂下直実、竹屋元裕、高橋潔.
脂質生化学研究 42: 267-270, 2000.
17. 中川雄伸、坂下直実ほか.
Bibliography in Gastroenterology (BiG) 14, No.2, p.48, 2000.
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2. Yih S, Katabuchi H, Araki M, Matsuura K, Takeya M, Takahashi K, Okamura H.
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3. Sakata N, Uesugi N, Takebayashi S, Nagai R, Jono T, Horiuchi S, Takeya M, Itabe H, Takano T, Myint T, Taniguchi N.
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5. Nakayama Y, Yamashita Y, Kadota M, Takahashi M, Kanemitsu K, Hiraoka T, Hirota M, Ogawa M, Takeya M.
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7. Sakashita N, Ando Y, Jinnouchi K, Yoshimatsu M, Terazaki H, Obayashi K, Takeya M.
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8. Uesugi N, Sakata N, Horiuchi S, Nagai R, Takeya M, Meng J, Saito T, Takebayashi S.
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9. Mashiba S, Wada Y, Takeya M, Sugiyama A, Hamakubo T, Nakamura A, Noguchi N, Niki E, Izumi A, Kobayashi M, Uchida K, Kodama T.
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10. Funakoshi Y, Ichiki T, Shimokawa H, Egashira K, Takeda K, Kaibuchi K, Takeya M, Yoshimura T, Takeshita A.
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11. Takahashi K, Takeya M, Sakashita N, Yoshimatsu M, Jinnouchi K.
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1. Masuda M, Senju S, Fujii S, Terasaki Y, Takeya M, Hashimoto S, Matsushima K,Yumoto E, Nishimura Y.
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2. Tomokiyo R, Jinnouchi K, Honda M, Wada Y, Hanada N, Hiraoka T, Suzuki H, Kodama T, Takahashi K, Takeya M.
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4. Saita N, Goto E, Yamamoto T, Cho I, Tsumori K, Kohrogi H, Maruo K, Ono T, Takeya M, Kashio Y, Nakamura K, Hirashima M.
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5. Nakamura R, Egashira K, Machida Y, Hayashidani S, Takeya M, Utsumi H, Tsutsui H, Takeshita A.
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6. Noguchi H, Ohta M, Wakasugi S, Noguchi K, Nakamura N, Nakamura O, Miyakawa K, Takeya M, Suzuki M, Nakagata N, Urano T, Ono T, Yamamura K.
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7. Oike Y, Ito Y, Hamada K, Zhang XQ, Miyata K, Arai F, Inada T, Araki K, Nakagata N, Takeya M, Kisanuki Y, Yanagisawa M, Gale NW, Suda T.
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8. Nagai R, Hayashi CM, Xia L, Takeya M, Horiuchi S.
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12. Takahashi K, Ling X, Nagai R, Takeya M, Horiuchi S.
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19. 吉松美佳、山田保俊、竹屋元裕.
骨盤腔に発生したextrathoracic solitary fibrous tumorの1例.
診断病理 19: 266-268, 2002.
1. Endo M, Oyadomari S, Terasaki Y, Takeya M, Suga M, Mori M, Gotoh T.
Induction of arginase I and II in bleomycin induced fibrosis of mouse lung.
Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 285: L312-L321, 2003
2. Shirafuji T, Oka T, Sawada T, Tamura K, Nagayasu T, Takeya M, Yoshimura T, Ayabe H.
Effects of induction therapy on wound healing at bronchial anastomosis sites in rats.
Jpn J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 51: 217-224, 2003
3. Jinnouchi K, Terasaki Y, Fujiyama S, Tomita K, Kuziel WA, Maeda N, Takahashi K, Takeya M.
Impaired hepatic granuloma formation in mice deficient in C-C chemokine receptor 2.
J Pathol 200: 406-416, 2003
4. Oike Y, Yasunaga K, Ito Y, Matsumoto S, Maekawa H, Morisada T, Arai F, Nakagata N, Takeya M, Masuho Y, Suda T.
Angiopoietin-related growth factor (AGF) promotes epidermal proliferation, remodeling, and regeneration.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 100:9494-9499, 2003
5. Furuichi K, Wada T, Iwata Y, Kitagawa K, Kobayashi K, Hashimoto H, Ishiwata Y, Asano M, Wang H, Matsushima K, Takeya M, Kuziel WA, Mukaida N, Yokoyama H.
CCR2 Signaling Contributes to Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Kidney.
J Am Soc Nephrol 14:2503-2515, 2003
6. Yamada M, Kim S, Egashira K, Takeya M, Ikeda T, Mimura O, Iwao H.
Molecular Mechanism and Role of Endothelial Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 Induction by Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 23:1996-2001, 2003
7. Sakashita N, Miyazaki A, Chang CCY, Chang TY, Kiyota E, Satoh M, Komohara Y, Morganelli P, Horiuchi S, Takeya M.
Acyl-coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase 2 (ACAT2) is induced in monocyte-derived macrophages: in vivo and in vitro studies.
Lab Invest 83:1569-1581, 2003
8. 竹屋元裕.
モノクローナル抗体を使って何が分かるか : 抗体の作り方から実験戦略の立て方まで.
組織細胞化学 2003: 179-187, 2003.
9. 尾田高志、藤野真之、山上和夫、大谷晴久、湯川進、竹屋元裕、吉沢信行.
SHC(自然発生高コレステロール血症)ラットにおける尿細管・間質病変および尿細管内Giant Mφに関する検討.
セラピューティック・リサーチ 24: 1265-1267, 2003.
10. 中川雄伸、寺崎泰弘、中村 治、吉松美佳、竹屋元裕.
日臨細胞誌: 42, 394-395, 2003.
1. Jono T, Nagai R, Lin X, Ahmed N, Thornalley PJ, Takeya M, Horiuchi S.
N{varepsilon}-(Carboxymethyl)lysine and 3-DG-Imidazolone Are Major AGE Structures in Protein Modification by 3-Deoxyglucosone.
J Biochem (Tokyo). 2004 , 136(3):351-358.
2. Isome M, Fujinaka H, Adhikary LP, Kovalenko P, El-Shemi AG, Yoshida Y, Yaoita E, Takeishi T, Takeya M, Naito M, Suzuki H, Yamamoto T.
Important role for macrophages in induction of crescentic anti-GBM glomerulonephritis in WKY rats.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2004 , 19(12):2997-3004.
3. Yoshimatsu M, Terasaki Y, Sakashita N, Kiyota E, Sato H, van der Laan LJ, Takeya M.
Induction of macrophage scavenger receptor MARCO in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis indicates possible involvement of endotoxin in its pathogenic process.
Int J Exp Pathol. 2004 , 85(6):335-343.
4. Kawashima M, Kuwamura M, Takeya M, Yamate J.
Morphologic characteristics of pulmonary macrophages in cetaceans: particular reference to pulmonary intravascular macrophages as a newly identified type.
Vet Pathol. 2004 , 41(6):682-686.
5. Okuma T, Terasaki Y, Kaikita K, Kobayashi H, Kuziel WA, Kawasuji M, Takeya M.
C-C chemokine receptor 2 (CCR2) deficiency improves bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis by attenuation of both macrophage infiltration and production of macrophage-derived matrix metalloproteinases.
J Pathol. 2004 , 204(5):594-604.
6. Zhang D, Hirota T, Marumoto T, Shimizu M, Kunitoku N, Sasayama T, Arima Y, Feng L, Suzuki M, Takeya M, Saya H.
Cre-loxP-controlled periodic Aurora-A overexpression induces mitotic abnormalities and hyperplasia in mammary glands of mouse models.
Oncogene. 2004 , 23(54):8720-8730.
7. Khuda SE, Yoshida M, Xing Y, Shimasaki T, Takeya M, Kuwahara K, Sakaguchi N.
The Sac3 homologue shd1 is involved in mitotic progression in mammalian cells.
J Biol Chem. 2004 , 279(44):46182-46190.
8. Kaikita K, Hayasaki T, Okuma T, Kuziel WA, Ogawa H, Takeya M.
Targeted deletion of CC chemokine receptor 2 attenuates left ventricular remodeling after experimental myocardial infarction.
Am J Pathol. 2004 , 165(2):439-447.
9. Hori M, Satoh M, Furukawa K, Sakamoto Y, Hakamata H, Komohara Y, Takeya M, Sasaki Y, Miyazaki A, Horiuchi S.
Acyl-coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase-2 (ACAT-2) is responsible for elevated intestinal ACAT activity in diabetic rats.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2004 , 24(9):1689-1695.
10. Kawashima M, Nakanishi M, Kuwamura M, Takeya M, Yamate J.
Distributive and phagocytic characteristics of hepatic macrophages in five cetaceans belonging to Delphinidae and Ziphiidae.
J Vet Med Sci. 2004 , 66(6):671-680.
11. Kitagawa K, Wada T, Furuichi K, Hashimoto H, Ishiwata Y, Asano M, Takeya M, Kuziel WA, Matsushima K, Mukaida N, Yokoyama H.
Blockade of CCR2 ameliorates progressive fibrosis in kidney.
Am J Pathol. 2004 , 165(1):237-246.
12. Miyamoto K, Kitamoto Y, Tokunaga H, Takeya M, Ezaki T, Imamura T, Tomita K.
Protective effect of vascular endothelial growth factor/vascular permeability factor 165 and 121 on glomerular endothelial cell injury in the rat.
Lab Invest. 2004 , 84(9):1126-1136.
13. Kuwahara F, Kai H, Tokuda K, Takeya M, Takeshita A, Egashira K, Imaizumi T.
Hypertensive myocardial fibrosis and diastolic dysfunction: another model of inflammation?
Hypertension. 2004 , 43(4):739-775.
14. Kawashima M, Nakanishi M, Kuwamura M, Takeya M, Yamate J.
Immunohistochemical detection of macrophages in the short-finned pilot whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus) and Risso's dolphin (Grampus griseus).
J Comp Pathol. 2004 , 130(1):32-40.
15. Hino H, Araki K, Uyama E, Takeya M, Araki M, Yoshinobu K, Miike K, Kawazoe Y, Maeda Y, Uchino M, Yamamura K.
Myopathy phenotype in transgenic mice expressing mutated PABPN1 as a model of oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy.
Hum Mol Genet. 2004 , 13(2):181-190.
16. Okiyoneda T, Harada K, Takeya M, Yamahira K, Wada I, Shuto T, Suico MA, Hashimoto Y, Kai H.
Delta F508 CFTR pool in the endoplasmic reticulum is increased by calnexin overexpression.
Mol Biol Cell. 2004 , 15(2):563-574.
17. 川島牧、中西雅子、桑村充、竹屋元裕、山手丈至.
The journal of veterinary medical science 66: 671-680, 2004.
18. 竹屋元裕.
マクロファージの再認識 粥状動脈硬化症とマクロファージ.
モレキュラーメディシン 41: 999-1004, 2004.
19. 衛藤光明、竹屋元裕、秋間道夫.
最新医学 59: 970-976, 2004.
20. 真柴新一、小笠原憲、竹屋元裕、和田洋一郎、佐原真、小島志穂、田端一恵、相沢忠範、児玉龍彦.
臨床病理 52: 67-74, 2004.
1. Komohara Y, Terasaki Y, Kaikita K, Suzuki H, Kodama T, Takeya M.
Clearance of apoptotic cells is not impaired in mouse embryos deficient in class A scavenger receptor types I and II (CD204).
Dev Dyn. 232(1): 67-74, 2005.
2. Fukuhara-Takaki K, Sakai M, Sakamoto Y, Takeya M, Horiuchi S.
Expression of class A scavenger receptor is enhanced by high glucose in vitro and under diabetic conditions in vivo: one mechanism for an increased rate of atherosclerosis in diabetes.
J Biol Chem. 280(5): 3355-3364, 2005.
3. Terasaki Y, Fukuda Y, Suga M, Ikeguchi N, Takeya M.
Epimorphin expression in interstitial pneumonia.
Respir Res. 6(1): 6, 2005.
4. Nakajou K, Horiuchi S, Sakai M, Haraguchi N, Tanaka M, Takeya M, Otagiri M.
Renal clearance of glycolaldehyde- and methylglyoxal-modified proteins in mice is mediated by mesangial cells through a class A scavenger receptor (SR-A).
Diabetologia. 48(2): 317-327, 2005.
5. Oike Y, Akao M, Yasunaga K, Yamauchi T, Morisada T, Ito Y, Urano T, Kimura Y, Kubota Y, Maekawa H, Miyamoto T, Miyata K, Matsumoto SI, Sakai J, Nakagata N, Takeya M, Koseki H, Ogawa Y, Kadowaki T, Suda T.
Angiopoietin-related growth factor antagonizes obesity and insulin resistance.
Nat Med. 11(4):400-408, 2005.
6. Nakajou K, Horiuchi S, Sakai M, Hirata K, Tanaka M, Takeya M, Kai T, Otagiri M.
CD36 is not involved in scavenger receptor-mediated endocytic uptake of glycolaldehyde- and methylglyoxal-modified proteins by liver endothelial cells.
J Biochem (Tokyo). 137(5): 607-616, 2005.
7. Izumi Y, Kim-Mitsuyama S, Yoshiyama M, Omura T, Shiota M, Matsuzawa A, Yukimura T, Murohara T, Takeya M, Ichijo H, Yoshikawa J, Iwao H.
Important role of apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 in ischemia-induced angiogenesis.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 25(9): 1877-1883, 2005.
8. Fujimura S, Xing Y, Takeya M, Yamashita Y, Ohshima K, Kuwahara K, Sakaguchi N.
Increased expression of germinal center-associated nuclear protein RNA-primase is associated with lymphomagenesis.
Cancer Res. 65(13): 5925-534, 2005.
9. Yagi M, Miyamoto T, Sawatani Y, Iwamoto K, Hosogane N, Fujita N, Morita K, Ninomiya K, Suzuki T, Miyamoto K, Oike Y, Takeya M, Toyama Y, Suda T.
DC-STAMP is essential for cell-cell fusion in osteoclasts and foreign body giant cells.
J Exp Med. 202(3): 345-351, 2005.
10. Ohmuraya M, Hirota M, Araki M, Mizushima N, Matsui M, Mizumoto T, Haruna K, Kume S, Takeya M, Ogawa M, Araki K, Yamamura K.
Autophagic cell death of pancreatic acinar cells in serine protease inhibitor Kazal type 3-deficient mice.
Gastroenterology. 129(2):696-705, 2005.
11. Arredouani MS, Palecanda A, Koziel H, Huang YC, Imrich A, Sulahian TH, Ning YY, Yang Z, Pikkarainen T, Sankala M, Vargas SO, Takeya M, Tryggvason K, Kobzik L.
MARCO is the major binding receptor for unopsonized particles and bacteria on human alveolar macrophages.
J Immunol. 175(9): 6058-6064, 2005.
12. 竹屋元裕.
日本臨床 63: 増刊号4、117-122、2005.
13. 海北幸一、小川久雄、竹屋元裕.
循環器専門医: 日本循環器学会専門医誌 13: 297-304, 2005.
14. 谷原秀信、稲谷大、川路隆博、猪俣泰也、高野晃臣、相良仁奈、高橋枝里、平田憲、安東えい子、古賀貴久、粟井麻衣子、古賀朋代、筒井順一郎、犬丸淳子、馬渡祐記、井上俊洋、福島美紀子、本庄恵、木戸啓文、佐谷秀行、永野修、竹屋元裕、安東由喜雄、森正敬、田賀哲也、成宮周、沢村達也、BYJT Yue、本田孔士、永田誠.
新しい眼薬物療法 : 分子基盤に基づいた眼疾患の理解と新しい眼薬物療法.
日本眼科學会雜誌 109: 917-959, 2005.
1. Semba K, Araki K, Li Z, Matsumoto K, Suzuki M, Nakagata N, Takagi K, Takeya M, Yoshinobu K, Araki M, Imai K, Abe K, Yamamura K.
A novel murine gene, Sickle tail, linked to the Danforth's short tail locus, is required for normal development of the intervertebral disc.
Genetics. 172(1):445-456, 2006
2. Seike M, Ikeda M, Matsumoto M, Hamada R, Takeya M, Kodama H.
Hyaluronan forms complexes with low density lipoprotein while also inducing foam cell infiltration in the dermis.
J Dermatol Sci. 41(3):197-204, 2006
3. Hayasaki T, Kaikita K, Okuma T, Yamamoto E, Kuziel WA, Ogawa H, Takeya M.
CC Chemokine Receptor-2 Deficiency Attenuates Oxidative Stress and Infarct Size Caused by Myocardial Ischemia-Reperfusion in Mice.
Circ J. 70(3):342-351, 2006
4. Fulton WB, Reeves RH, Takeya M, De Maio A.
A Quantitative Trait Loci Analysis to Map Genes Involved in Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Inflammatory Response: Identification of Macrophage Scavenger Receptor 1 as a Candidate Gene.
J. Immunol. 176: 3767 - 3773, 2006.
5. Komohara Y, Hirahara J, Horikawa T, Kawamura K, Kiyota E, Sakashita N, Araki N, Takeya M.
AM-3K, an anti-macrophage antibody, recognizes CD163, a molecule associated with an anti-inflammatory macrophage phenotype.
J Histochem Cytochem. 54(7):763-771, 2006.
6. Horikawa T, Komohara Y, Kiyota E, Terasaki Y, Takagi K, Takeya M.
Detection of guinea pig macrophages by a new CD68 monoclonal antibody, PM-1K.
J Mol Histol. 37(1):15-25, 2006.
7. Terasaki Y, Akuta T, Terasaki M, Sawa T, Mori T, Okamoto T, Ozaki M, Takeya M, Akaike T.
Guanine Nitration in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis and its Implication for Carcinogenesis.
Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 174(6): 665-673, 2006.
8. Nakano N, Fukuhara-Takaki K, Jono T, Nakajou K, Eto N, Horiuchi S, Takeya M, Nagai R.
Association of Advanced Glycation End Products with A549 Cells, a Human Pulmonary Epithelial Cell Line, Is Mediated by a Receptor Distinct from the Scavenger Receptor Family and RAGE.
J Biochem (Tokyo). 139(5): 821-829, 2006.
9. Sakashita N, Ando Y, Haraoka K, Terazaki H, Yamashita T, Nakamura M, Takeya M.
Severe congestive heart failure with cardiac liver cirrhosis 10 years after orthotopic liver transplantation for familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy.
Pathol Int. 56(7):408-412, 2006.
10. Ichinose K, Okamoto T, Tanimoto H, Taguchi H, Tashiro M, Sugita M, Takeya M, Terasaki H.
A moderate dose of propofol and rapidly induced mild hypothermia with extracorporeal lung and heart assist (ECLHA) improve the neurological outcome after prolonged cardiac arrest in dogs.
Resuscitation. 70(2): 275-284, 2006.
11. Ikema K, Matsumoto K, Inomata Y, Komohara Y, Miyajima S, Takeya M, Tanihara H.
Induction of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and tissue inhibitors of MMPs correlates with outcome of acute experimental pseudomonal keratitis.
Exp Eye Res 83(6):1396-1404, 2006.
12. Okuma T, Terasaki Y, Sakashita N, Kaikita K, Kobayashi H, Hayasaki T, Kuziel WA, Baba H, Takeya M.
MCP-1/CCR2 signalling pathway regulates hyperoxia-induced acute lung injury via nitric oxide production.
Int J Exp Pathol 87(6): 475-483, 2006.
13. Chang C, Dong R, Miyazaki A, Sakashita N, Zhang Y, Liu J, Guo M, Li BL, Chang TY.
Human acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT) and its potential as a target for pharmaceutical intervention against atherosclerosis.
Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai) 38:151-156, 2006.
14. 平井奉博、井手淳二、前田智、水田博志、竹屋元裕.
整形外科と災害外科 55: 436-439, 2006.
1. Hoshii T, Takeo T, Nakagata N, Takeya M, Araki K, Yamamura KI.
LGR4 Regulates the postnatal development and integrity of male reproductive tracts in mice.
Biol Reprod 76: 303-313, 2007.
2. Usui HK, Shikata K, Sasaki M, Okada S, Matsuda M, Shikata Y, Ogawa D, Kido Y, Nagase R, Yozai K, Ohga S, Tone A, Wada J, Takeya M, Horiuchi S, Kodama T, Makino H.
Macrophage scavenger receptor-a-deficient mice are resistant against diabetic nephropathy through amelioration of microinflammation.
Diabetes 56: 363-372, 2007.
3. Tsujita K, Kaikita K, Hayasaki T, Honda T, Kobayashi H, Sakashita N, Suzuki H, Kodama T, Ogawa H, Takeya M.
Targeted Deletion of Class A Macrophage Scavenger Receptor Increases the Risk of Cardiac Rupture After Experimental Myocardial Infarction.
Circulation 115: 1904-1911, 2007.
4. Kobayashi H, Sakashita N, Okuma T, Terasaki Y, Tsujita K, Suzuki H, Kodama T, Nomori H, Kawasuji M, Takeya M.
Class A scavenger receptor (CD204) attenuates hyperoxia-induced lung injury by reducing oxidative stress.
J Pathol 212: 38-46, 2007.
5. Sakashita N, Yokose C, Fujii K, Matsumoto M, Ohnishi K, Takeya M.
Pulmonary tumor thrombotic microangiopathy resulting from metastatic signet ring cell carcinoma of the stomach: a case study.
Pathol Int 57: 383-387, 2007.
6. Suzu S, Hiyoshi M, Yoshidomi Y, Harada H, Takeya M, Kimura F, Motoyoshi K, Okada S.
M-CSF-mediated macrophage differentiation but not proliferation is correlated with increased and prolonged ERK activation.
J Cell Physiol 212(2): 519-525, 2007.
7. Mehta JL, Sanada N, Hu CP, Chen J, Dandapat A, Sugawara F, Satoh H, Inoue K, Kawase Y, Jishage K, Suzuki H, Takeya M, Schnackenberg L, Beger R, Hermonat PL, Thomas M, Sawamura T.
Deletion of LOX-1 reduces atherogenesis in LDLR knockout mice fed high cholesterol diet.
Circ Res 100(11): 1634-1642, 2007.
8. Bak SP, Walters JJ, Takeya M, Conejo-Garcia JR, Berwin BL.
Scavenger receptor-A-targeted leukocyte depletion inhibits peritoneal ovarian tumor progression.
Cancer Res 67(10): 4783-4789, 2007.
9. Tatetsu H, Ueno S, Hata H, Yamada Y, Takeya M, Mitsuya H, Tenen DG, Okuno Y.
Down-regulation of PU.1 by methylation of distal regulatory elements and the promoter is required for myeloma cell growth.
Cancer Res 67(11): 5328-5836, 2007.
10. Bover LC, Cardo-Vila M, Kuniyasu A, Sun J, Rangel R, Takeya M, Aggarwal BB, Arap W, Pasqualini R.
A previously unrecognized protein-protein interaction between TWEAK and CD163: potential biological implications.
J Immunol 178(12):8183-8194, 2007.
11. Itoh M, Suganami T, Satoh N, Tanimoto-Koyama K, Yuan X, Tanaka M, Kawano H, Yano T, Aoe S, Takeya M, Shimatsu A, Kuzuya H, Kamei Y, Ogawa Y.
Increased Adiponectin Secretion by Highly Purified Eicosapentaenoic Acid in Rodent Models of Obesity and Human Obese Subjects.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 27(9): 1918-1925, 2007.
12. Ito A, Suganami T, Miyamoto Y, Yoshimasa Y, Takeya M, Kamei Y, Ogawa Y.
Role of MAPK phosphatase-1 in the induction of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 during the course of adipocyte hypertrophy.
J Biol Chem 282(35): 25445-25452, 2007.
13. Fujiwara Y, Kiyota N, Hori M, Matsushita S, Iijima Y, Aoki K, Shibata D, Takeya M, Ikeda T, Nohara T, Nagai R.
Esculeogenin A, a New Tomato Sapogenol, Ameliorates Hyperlipidemia and Atherosclerosis in ApoE-Deficient Mice by Inhibiting ACAT.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 27(11): 2400-2406, 2007.
14. Yamauchi Y, Reid PC, Sperry JB, Furukawa K, Takeya M, Chang CC, Chang TY.
Plasma membrane rafts complete cholesterol synthesis by participating in retrograde movement of precursor sterols.
J Biol Chem 282(48): 34994-5004 2007.
15. Matsumoto M, Ikeda M, Takeya M, Kodama H.
Plane xanthoma associated with multiple mastocytoma.
Pediatr Dermatol 24(5): E66-69, 2007.
16. Azuma K, Komohara Y, Sasada T, Terazaki Y, Ideka J, Hoshino T, Itoh K, Yamada A, Aizawa H.
Excision repair cross-complementation group 1 predicts progression-free and overall survival in non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with platinum-based chemotherapy.
Cancer Science 98 :1336-1343, 2007.
17. Noguchi M, Yao A, Harada M, Nakashima O, Komohara Y, Yamada S, Itoh K, Matsuoka K.
Immunological evaluation of neoadjuvant peptide vaccination before radical prostatectomy for patients with localized prostate cancer.
Prostate 67: 933-942, 2007.
18. 坂下直実.
留学の印象 キャシーが教えてくれたこと.
熊杏, 第52号, 熊杏会(熊本大学医学部同窓会), 110-112, 2007.
19. 坂下直実.
熊本医学会ニューズレター第6号, 7-11, 2007.
20. 堀 和樹,内野良仁,花田法久,草野秀一,坂下直実.
日本臨床外科学会雑誌 68(6):1472-1475, 2007.
21. 中村 正, 工藤博徳, 東 修一, 友田邦彦, 束野通志, 雷 小峰, 坂下直実, 竹屋元裕, 中村宏志.
リウマチ科38(2):199-204, 2007.
22. 堀和樹、内野良仁、花田法久、草野秀一、林田佳子、坂下直実.
日本臨床外科学会雑誌 68: 900-903, 2007.
1. Hiyoshi M, Suzu S, Yoshidomi Y, Hassan R, Harada H, Sakashita N, Akari H, Motoyoshi K, Okada S.
Interaction between Hck and HIV-1 Nef negatively regulates cell surface expression of M-CSF receptor.
Blood 111: 243-250, 2008.
2. Nagai R, Fujiwara Y, Mera K, Yamagata K, Sakashita N, Takeya M.
Immunochemical detection of N(epsilon)-(carboxyethyl)lysine using a specific antibody.
J Immunol Methods 332: 112-120, 2008.
3. Katayama N, Nakajou K, Komori H, Uchida K, Yokoe J, Yasui N, Yamamoto H, Kai T, Sato M, Nakagawa T, Takeya M, Maruyama T, Otagiri M.
Design and evaluation of S-nitrosylated human serum albumin (SNO-HSA) as a novel anticancer drug.
J Pharmacol Exp Ther 325: 69-76, 2008.
4. Taketa K, Matsumura T, Yano M, Ishii N, Senokuchi T, Motoshima H, Murata Y, Kim-Mitsuyama S, Kawada T, Itabe H, Takeya M, Nishikawa T, Tsuruzoe K, Araki E.
Ox-LDL activates PPARalpha and PPARgamma through MAPK-dependent COX-2 expression in macrophages.
J Biol Chem 283: 9852-9862, 2008.
5. Sakashita N, Yamada M, Nakagawa T, Yamasaki H, Takeya M.
A leiomyomatoid angiomatous neuroendocrine tumor of the myometrium: case study with ultrastructural analysis.
Hum Pathol 39: 788-792, 2008.
6. Fujiwara Y, Kiyota N, Motomura K, Mera K, Takeya M, Ikeda T, Nagai R.
Some Natural Compounds Enhance N{varepsilon}-(Carboxymethyl)lysine Formation.
Ann N Y Acad Sci 1126: 152-154, 2008.
7. Honda T, Kaikita K, Tsujita K, Hayasaki T, Matsukawa M, Fuchigami S, Sugiyama S, Sakashita N, Ogawa H, Takeya M.
Pioglitazone, a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma agonist, attenuates myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury in mice with metabolic disorders.
J Mol Cell Cardiol 44: 926-926, 2008.
8. Nakayama M, Kudoh T, Kaikita K, Yoshimura M, Oshima S, Miyamoto Y, Takeya M, Ogawa H.
Class A macrophage scavenger receptor gene expression levels in peripheral blood mononuclear cells specifically increase in patients with acute coronary syndrome.
Atherosclerosis 198: 426-433, 2008.
9. Toyoda T, Kamei Y, Kato H, Sugita S, Takeya M, Suganami T, Ogawa Y.
Effect of Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor-alpha Ligands in the Interaction Between Adipocytes and Macrophages in Obese Adipose Tissue.
Obesity 16: 1199-1207, 2008.
10. Satoh H, Kiyota E, Terasaki Y, Sawamura T, Takagi K, Mizuta H, Takeya M.
Expression and Localization of Lectin-like Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor-1 (LOX-1) in Murine and Human Placentas.
J Histochem Cytochem 56: 773-784, 2008.
11. Zhang D, Shimizu T, Araki N, Hirota T, Yoshie M, Ogawa K, Nakagata N, Takeya M, Saya H.
Aurora A overexpression induces cellular senescence in mammary gland hyperplastic tumors developed in p53-deficient mice.
Oncogene 27: 4305-4314, 2008.
12. Shiraki N, Umeda K, Sakashita N, Takeya M, Kume K, Kume S.
Differentiation of mouse and human ES cells into hepatic lineages.
Genes Cells 13: 731-746, 2008.
13. Wang J, Ohmuraya M, Hirota M, Baba H, Zhao G, Takeya M, Araki K, Yamamura KI.
Expression pattern of serine protease inhibitor kazal type 3 (Spink3) during mouse embryonic development.
Histochem Cell Biol 130: 387-397, 2008.
14. Komohara Y, Ohnishi K, Kuratsu J, Takeya M.
Possible involvement of the M2 anti-inflammatory macrophage phenotype in growth of human gliomas.
J Pathol 216: 15-24, 2008.
15. Inoue S, Ohta M, Li Z, Zhao G, Takaoka Y, Sakashita N, Miyakawa K, Takada K, Tei H, Suzuki M, Masuoka M, Sakaki Y, Takahashi K, Yamamura KI.
Specific pathogen free conditions prevent transthyretin amyloidosis in mouse models.
Transgenic Res 17: 817-826, 2008.
16. Ogasawara K, Mashiba S, Hashimoto H, Kojima S, Matsuno S, Takeya M, Uchida K, Yajima J.
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL), which includes apolipoprotein A-I (apoAI-LDL) as a novel marker of coronary artery disease.
Clin Chim Acta 397: 42-47, 2008.
17. Ito A, Suganami T, Yamauchi A, Degawa-Yamauchi M, Tanaka M, Kouyama R, Kobayashi Y, Nitta N, Yasuda K, Hirata Y, Kuziel WA, Takeya M, Kanegasaki S, Kamei Y, Ogawa Y.
Role of C-C chemokine receptor 2 in bone marrow cells in the recruitment of macrophages into obese adipose tissue.
J Biol Chem 283: 35715-35723, 2008.
18. Zhao G, Li Z, Araki K, Haruna K, Yamaguchi K, Araki M, Takeya M, Ando Y, Yamamura KI.
Inconsistency between hepatic expression and serum concentration of transthyretin in mice humanized at the transthyretin locus.
Genes Cells 13: 1257-1268, 2008.
19. 大西紘二, 堀野敬, 木村正美, 竹屋元裕.
診断病理 25: 82-87, 2008.
20. 堀和樹, 花田法久, 草野秀一, 鶴本泰之, 坂下直実, 内野良仁.
Imatinib Mesylate低用量投与後に切除した胃Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor の1例.
癌と化学療法 35: 1749-1751, 2008.
21. 草野秀一、花田法久、堀和樹、鶴本泰之、坂下直実、内野良仁.
日本臨床外科学会雑誌 69: 2552-2556, 2008.
22. 西村卓祐、木村正美、松下弘雄、原田洋明、平田貴文、岡村茂樹、川田康誠、下川恭弘、仁田畑和、竹屋元裕、米澤傑.
消化器外科 31:1701-1708, 2008.
1. Adachi H, Fujiwara Y, Kondo T, Nishikawa T, Ogawa R, Matsumura T, Ishii N, Nagai R, Miyata K, Tabata M, Motoshima H, Furukawa N, Tsuruzoe K, Kawashima J, Takeya M, Yamashita S, Koh GY, Suda T, Oike Y, Araki E.
Angptl 4 deficiency improves lipid metabolism, suppresses foam cell formation and protects against atherosclerosis.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 379: 806-811, 2009.
2. Sugamura K, Sugiyama S, Nozaki T, Matsuzawa Y, Izumiya Y, Miyata K, Nakayama M, Kaikita K, Obata T, Takeya M, Ogawa H.
Activated Endocannabinoid System in Coronary Artery Disease and Antiinflammatory Effects of Cannabinoid 1 Receptor Blockade on Macrophages.
Circulation 119: 28-36, 2009.
3. Jin S, Zhao G, Li Z, Nishimoto Y, Isohama Y, Shen J, Ito T, Takeya M, Araki K, He P, Yamamura KI.
Age-related pulmonary emphysema in mice lacking alpha/beta hydrolase domain containing 2 gene.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 380: 419-424, 2009.
4. Kawamura K, Komohara Y, Takaishi K, Katabuchi H, Takeya M.
Detection of M2 macrophages and colony-stimulating factor 1 expression in serous and mucinous ovarian epithelial tumors.
Pathol Int 59: 300-305, 2009.
5. Yajima I, Kumasaka M, Thang ND, Yanagishita T, Ohgami N, Kallenberg D, Naito Y, Yoshikawa T, Sakashita N, Kato M.
Zinc finger protein 28 as a novel melanoma-related molecule.
J Dermatol Sci 55: 68-70, 2009.
6. Matsumoto K, Fujiwara Y, Nagai R, Yoshida M.
Immunohistochemical detection of advanced glycation end products in human bladder with specific monoclonal antibody.
Int J Urol 16: 402-405, 2009.
7. Iijima Y, Fujiwara Y, Tokita T, Ikeda T, Nohara T, Aoki K, Shibata D.
Involvement of ethylene in the accumulation of esculeoside A during fruit ripening of tomato.
J Agric Food Chem 57: 3247-3252, 2009.
8. Inomata Y, Fukushima M, Hara R, Takahashi E, Honjo M, Koga T, Kawaji T, Satoh H, Takeya M, Sawamura T, Tanihara H.
Suppression of Choroidal Neovascularization in Lectin-like Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor Type 1-Deficient Mice.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 50: 3970-3976, 2009.
9. Higashi-Kuwata N, Makino T, Inoue Y, Takeya M, Ihn H.
Alternatively activated macrophages (M2 macrophages) in the skin of patient with localized scleroderma.
Exp Dermatol 18: 727-729, 2009.
10. Motomura K, Fujiwara Y, Kiyota N, Tsurushima K, Takeya M, Nohara T, Nagai R, Ikeda T.
Astragalosides Isolated from the Root of Astragalus Radix Inhibit the Formation of Advanced Glycation End Products.
J Agric Food Chem 57: 7666-7672, 2009.
11. Komohara Y, Takemura K, Lei XF, Sakashita N, Harada M, Suzuki H, Kodama T, Takeya M.
Delayed growth of EL4 lymphoma in SR-A-deficient mice is due to upregulation of nitric oxide and interferon-gamma production by tumor-associated macrophages.
Cancer Sci 100: 2160-2166, 2009.
12. Ohta K, Kuwahara K, Zhang Z, Makino K, Komohara Y, Nakamura H, Kuratsu JI, Sakaguchi N.
Decreased expression of germinal center-associated nuclear protein is involved in chromosomal instability in malignant gliomas.
Cancer Sci 100: 2169-2176, 2009.
13. Kojima S, Kojima S, Ueno H, Takeya M, Ogawa H.
Increased density of the liver and amiodarone-associated phospholipidosis.
Cardiol Res Pract 2009: 598940, 2009.
14. 藤原章雄、池田剛、竹屋元裕、野原稔弘、永井竜児.
New Food Industry 51: 21-29, 2009.
15. 竹屋元裕.
骨髄病理のトピックス 組織球肉腫.
病理と臨床 27: 1077-1081, 2009.
16. 大西紘二、村山寿彦、森松嘉孝、吉野歩、竹屋元裕.
診断病理 26: 285-291, 2009.
1. Ohnishi K, Komohara Y, Sakashita N, Iyama K, Murayama T, Takeya M.
Macrophages in Langerhans cell histiocytosis are differentiated toward M2 phenotype: Their possible involvement in pathological processes.
Pathol Int 60: 27-34, 2010.
2. Takemura K, Sakashita N, Fujiwara Y, Komohara Y, Lei X, Ohnishi K, Suzuki H, Kodama T, Mizuta H, Takeya M.
Class A scavenger receptor promotes osteoclast differentiation via the enhanced expression of receptor activator of NF-kappaB (RANK).
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 391: 1675-1680, 2010.
3. Tanaka M, Suganami T, Sugita S, Shimoda Y, Kasahara M, Aoe S, Takeya M, Takeda S, Kamei Y, Ogawa Y.
Role of Central Leptin Signaling in Renal Macrophage Infiltration.
Endocr J 57: 61-72, 2010.
4. Tateno H, Ohnishi K, Yabe R, Hayatsu N, Sato T, Takeya M, Narimatsu H, Hirabayashi J.
Dual specificity of Langerin to sulfated and mannosylated glycans via a single C-type carbohydrate recognition domain.
J Biol Chem 285: 6390-6400, 2010.
5. Sugamura K, Sugiyama S, Fujiwara Y, Matsubara J, Akiyama E, Maeda H, Ohba K, Matsuzawa Y, Konishi M, Nozaki T, Horibata Y, Kaikita K, Sumida H, Takeya M, Ogawa H.
Cannabinoid 1 Receptor Blockade Reduces Atherosclerosis with Enhances Reverse Cholesterol Transport.
J Atheroscler Thromb 17: 141-147, 2010.
6. Nagai R, Nagai M, Shimasaki S, Baynes JW, Fujiwara Y.
Citric acid inhibits development of cataracts, proteinuria and ketosis in streptozotocin (type1) diabetic rats.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 393: 118-122, 2010.
7. Niino D, Komohara Y, Murayama T, Aoki R, Kimura Y, Hashikawa K, Kiyasu J, Takeuchi M, Suefuji N, Sugita Y, Takeya M, Ohshima K.
Ratio of M2 macrophage expression is closely associated with poor prognosis for Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AITL).
Pathol Int 60: 278-283, 2010.
8. Herbas MS, Ueta YY, Ichikawa C, Chiba M, Ishibashi K, Shichiri M, Fukumoto S, Yokoyama N, Takeya M, Xuan X, Arai H, Suzuki H.
Alpha-tocopherol transfer protein disruption confers resistance to malarial infection in mice.
Malar J 9: 101, 2010.
9. Sakashita N, Chang CC, Lei X, Fujiwara Y, Takeya M, Chang TY.
Cholesterol loading in macrophages stimulates formation of ER-derived vesicles with elevated ACAT1 activity.
J Lipid Res 51: 1263-1272, 2010.
10. Ishii N, Matsumura T, Kinoshita H, Fukuda K, Motoshima H, Senokuchi T, Nakao S, Tsutsumi A, Kim-Mitsuyama S, Kawada T, Takeya M, Miyamura N, Nishikawa T, Araki E.
Nifedipine Induces Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-{gamma} Activation in Macrophages and Suppresses the Progression of Atherosclerosis in Apolipoprotein E-Deficient Mice.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 30: 1598-1605, 2010.
11. Hasita H, Komohara Y, Okabe H, Masuda T, Ohnishi K, Lei XF, Beppu T, Baba H, Takeya M.
Significance of alternatively activated macrophages in patients with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma.
Cancer Sci 101: 1913-1919, 2010.
12. Lei X, Fujiwara Y, Chang CC, Chang TY, Takeya M, Sakashita N.
Association of ACAT1-positive vesicles with late endosomes/lysosomes in cholesterol-rich human macrophages.
J Atheroscler Thromb 17: 740-750, 2010.
13. Ohgami N, Ida-Eto M, Shimotake T, Sakashita N, Sone M, Nakashima T, Tabuchi K, Hoshino T, Shimada A, Tsuzuki T, Yamamoto M, Sobue G, Jijiwa M, Asai N, Hara A, Takahashi M, Kato M.
c-Ret-mediated hearing loss in mice with Hirschsprung disease.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 107: 13051-13056, 2010.
14. El-Aasr M, Fujiwara Y, Takeya M, Ikeda T, Tsukamoto S, Ono M, Nakano D, Okawa M, Kinjo J, Yoshimitsu H, Nohara T.
Onionin A from Allium cepa Inhibits Macrophage Activation.
J Nat Prod 73: 1306-1308, 2010.
15. Higashi-Kuwata N, Masatoshi J, Makino T, Fukushima S, Inoue Y, Muchemwa FC, Yonemura Y, Komohara Y, Takeya M, Mitsuya H, Ihn H.
Characterization of monocyte/macrophage subsets in the skin and peripheral blood derived from patients with systemic sclerosis.
Arthritis Res Ther 12: R128, 2010.
16. Nakamura M, Kikukawa Y, Takeya M, Mitsuya H, Hata H.
Clarithromycin attenuates autophagy in myeloma cells.
Int J Oncol 37: 815-820, 2010.
17. Eto K, Marumoto M, Takeya M.
The pathology of methylmercury poisoning (Minamata disease).
Neuropathology 30: 471-479, 2010.
18. Takaishi K, Komohara Y, Tashiro H, Ohtake H, Nakagawa T, Katabuchi H, Takeya M.
Involvement of M2-polarized macrophages in the ascites from advanced epithelial ovarian carcinoma in tumor progression via Stat3 activation.
Cancer Sci 101: 2128-2136, 2010.
19. Nohara T, Ono M, Ikeda T, Fujiwara Y, El-Aasr M.
The Tomato Saponin, Esculeoside A.
J Nat Prod 73: 1734-1741, 2010.
20. Kasama Y, Sekiguchi S, Saito M, Tanaka K, Satoh M, Kuwahara K, Sakaguchi N, Takeya M, Hiasa Y, Kohara M, Tsukiyama-Kohara K.
Persistent expression of the full genome of hepatitis C virus in B cells induces spontaneous development of B-cell lymphomas in vivo.
Blood 116: 4926-4933, 2010.
21. Fujiwara Y, Komohara Y, Tsurushima K, Ikeda T, Takeya M.
Effect of natural compounds on human macrophage activation.
Inflammation and Regeneration 30: 520-523, 2010.
22. Fujiwara Y, Yoshitomi M, Mera K, Nagai M, Takeya M, Ikeda T, Nagai R.
Some natural products extracts inhibit the formation of N(carboxymetyl)arginine.
The Maillard Reaction: Interface Between Aging, Nutrition and Metabolism: 206-210, 2010.
日呼吸会誌 48: 847-854, 2010.
24. 花田法久、冨山成章、堀和樹、草野秀一、吉田泰、川田康誠、内野良仁、坂下直実.
転移性肺腫瘍切除後Trastuzumab投与し4 年間無再発乳癌の1例.
癌と化学療法 37: 2905-2907, 2010.
25. 油井武、谷村信彦、芝原友幸、高木嘉彦、竹屋元裕、渡辺喜正、久保正法.
日本獣医師会雑誌 63: 935-938, 2010.
1. Fujiwara Y, Komohara Y, Ikeda T, Takeya M.
Corosolic acid inhibits glioblastoma cell proliferation by suppressing the activation of signal transducer and activator of transcription-3 and nuclear factor-kappa B in tumor cells and tumor-associated macrophages.
Cancer Sci 102: 206-211, 2011.
2. Manabe H, Murakami Y, El-Aasr M, Ikeda T, Fujiwara Y, Ono M, Nohara T.
Content variations of the tomato saponin esculeoside A in various processed tomatoes.
J Nat Med 65: 176-179, 2011.
3. Fujiwara Y, Kiyota N, Tsurushima K, Yoshitomi M, Mera K, Sakashita N, Takeya M, Ikeda T, Araki T, Nohara T, Nagai R.
Natural Compounds Containing a Catechol Group Enhance the Formation of N-(carboxymethyl)lysine of the Maillard Reaction.
Free Radic Biol Med 50: 883-891, 2011.
4. Hashimoto Y, Shuto T, Mizunoe S, Tomita A, Koga T, Sato T, Takeya M, Suico MA, Niibori A, Sugahara T, Shimasaki S, Sugiyama T, Scholte B, Kai H.
CFTR-deficiency renders mice highly susceptible to cutaneous symptoms during mite infestation.
Lab Invest 91: 509-518, 2011.
5. Fujita M, Kohanbash G, Fellows-Mayle W, Hamilton RL, Komohara Y, Decker SA, Ohlfest JR, Okada H.
COX-2 blockade suppresses gliomagenesis by inhibiting myeloid-derived suppressor cells.
Cancer Res 71: 2664-2674, 2011.
6. Sakashita N, Motooka Y, Suganuma M, Ohnishi K, Fujiwara Y, Nakagawa T, Ichiyasu H, Takeya M.
A case of pulmonary capillary hemangiomatosis with pulmonary fibrosis associated with MMP-9 related pulmonary remodeling.
Pathol Int 61: 306-312, 2011.
7. Katsumata A, Kimura M, Saigo H, Aburaya K, Nakano M, Ikeda T, Fujiwara Y, Nagai R.
Changes in Esculeoside A Content in Different Regions of the Tomato Fruit during Maturation and Heat Processing.
J Agric Food Chem 59: 4104-4110, 2011.
8. Fujiwara Y, Hayashida A, Tsurushima K, Nagai R, Yoshitomi M, Daiguji N, Sakashita N, Takeya M, Tsukamoto S, Ikeda T.
Triterpenoids Isolated from Zizyphus jujuba Inhibit Foam Cell Formation in Macrophages.
J Agric Food Chem 59: 4544-4552, 2011.
9. Komohara Y, Hasita H, Ohnishi K, Fujiwara Y, Suzu S, Eto M, Takeya M.
Macrophage infiltration and its prognostic relevance in clear renal cell carcinoma.
Cancer Sci 102: 1424-1431, 2011.
10. Ohnishi K, Komohara Y, Fujiwara Y, Takemura K, Lei X, Nakagawa T, Sakashita N, Takeya M.
Suppression of TLR4-mediated inflammatory response by macrophage class A scavenger receptor (CD204).
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 411: 516-522, 2011.
11. Fujiwara Y, Komohara Y, Kudo R, Tsurushima K, Ohnishi K, Ikeda T, Takeya M.
Oleanolic acid inhibits macrophage differentiation into the M2 phenotype and glioblastoma cell proliferation by suppressing the activation of STAT3.
Oncol Rep 26: 1533-1537, 2011.
12. El-Aasr M, Fujiwara Y, Takeya M, Ono M, Nakano D, Okawa M, Kinjo J, Ikeda T, Miyashita H, Yoshimitsu H, Nohara T.
Garlicnin A from the Fraction Regulating Macrophage Activation of Allium sativum.
Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo) 59: 1340-1343, 2011.
13. Komohara Y, Horlad H, Ohnishi K, Ohta K, Makino K, Hondo H, Yamanaka R, Kajiwara K, Saito T, Kuratsu J, Takeya M.
M2 macrophage/microglial cells induce activation of Stat3 in primary central nervous system lymphoma.
J Clin Exp Hematop 51: 93-99, 2011.
14. Shimasaki S, Kubota M, Yoshitomi M, Takagi K, Suda K, Mera K, Fujiwara Y, Nagai R.
Nw-(carboxymethyl)arginine Accumulates in Glycated Collagen and Klotho-deficient Mouse Skin.
Anti-Asing Medicine 8: 82-87, 2011.
15. 竹屋元裕.
The Lipid 22: 188-196, 2011.
16. 神尾多喜浩、菰原義弘、岩谷和法、吉岡正一.
診断病理28: 134-136, 2011.
17. 藤原章雄、菰原義弘、池田剛、竹屋元裕.
日本体質医学会雑誌 73: 67-71, 2011.
18. 荒木令江、小林大樹、平山未央、尹浩信、竹屋元裕、菰原義弘、倉持朗.
神経皮膚症候群に関する調査研究 融合プロテオミクスによる神経系細胞分化に関わるNF1腫瘍抑制遺伝子関連タンパク質の解析.
神経皮膚症候群に関する調査研究 平成22年度 総括・分担研究報告書: 59-64, 2011.
1. Morimatsu Y, Sakashita N, Komohara Y, Ohnishi K, Masuda H, Dahan D, Takeya M, Guibert C, Marthan R.
Development and Characterization of an Animal Model of Severe Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension.
J Vasc Res 49: 33-42, 2012.
2. Kobayashi C, Shiina T, Tokioka A, Hattori Y, Komori T, Kobayashi-Miura M, Takizawa T, Takahara K, Inaba K, Inoko H, Takeya M, Dranoff G, Sugita M.
GM-CSF-Independent CD1a Expression in Epidermal Langerhans Cells: Evidence from Human CD1A Genome-Transgenic Mice.
J Invest Dermatol 132: 241-244, 2012.
3. Kawaguchi A, Yajima N, Komohara Y, Aoki H, Tsuchiya N, Homma J, Sano M, Natsumeda M, Uzuka T, Saitoh A, Takahashi H, Sakai Y, Takahashi H, Fujii Y, Kakuma T, Yamanaka R.
Identification and validation of gene expression signature that predicts outcome in malignant glioma patients.
Int J Oncol 40: 721-730, 2012.
4. Matsubara J, Sugamura K, Nakamura T, Fujiwara Y, Akiyama E, Kurokawa H, Nozaki T, Ohba K, Konishi M, Maeda H, Izumiya Y, Kaikita K, Sumida H, Jinnouchi H, Matsui K, Kim-Mitsuyama S, Takeya M, Ogawa H.
Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitor, Des-Fluoro-Sitagliptin, Improves Endothelial Function and Reduces Atherosclerotic Lesion Formation in Apolipoprotein-E Deficient Mice.
J Am Coll Cardiol 59: 265-276, 2012.
5. Fujiwara Y, Kiyota N, Tsurushima K, Yoshitomi M, Horlad H, Ikeda T, Nohara T, Takeya M, Nagai R.
Tomatidine, a Tomato Sapogenol, Ameliorates Hyperlipidemia and Atherosclerosis in ApoE-Deficient Mice by Inhibiting Acyl-CoA:cholesterol Acyl-transferase (ACAT).
J Agric Food Chem 60, 2472-2479, 2012.
6. Khan S, Okamoto T, Enomoto K, Sakashita N, Oyama K, Fujii S, Sawa T, Takeya M, Ogawa H, Yamabe H, Akaike T.
Potential association of Helicobacter cinaedi with atrial arrhythmia and atherosclerosis.
Microbiol Immunol 56: 145-154, 2012.
7. Liu Y, Komohara Y, Domenick N, Ohno M, Ikeura M, Hamilton RL, Horbinski C, Wang X, Ferrone S, Okada H.
Expression of antigen processing and presenting molecules in brain metastasis of breast cancer.
Cancer Immunol Immunother 61: 789-801, 2012.
8. Miyamoto H, Suzuki T, Miyauchi Y, Iwasaki R, Kobayashi T, Sato Y, Miyamoto K, Hoshi H, Hashimoto K, Yoshida S, Hao W, Mori T, Kanagawa H, Katsuyama E, Fujie A, Morioka H, Matsumoto M, Chiba K, Takeya M, Toyama Y, Miyamoto T.
OC-STAMP and DC-STAMP cooperatively modulate cell-cell fusion to form osteoclasts and foreign body giant cells.
J Bone Miner Res 27: 1289-1297, 2012.
9. Nohara T, Kiyota Y, Sakamoto T, Manabe H, Ono M, Ikeda T, Fujiwara Y, Nakano D, Kinjo J.
Garlicnins B1, C1, and D, from the Fraction Regulating Macrophage Activation of Allium sativum.
Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo) 60: 747-51, 2012.
10. Fang J, Greish K, Qin H, Liao L, Nakamura H, Takeya M, Maeda H.
HSP32 (HO-1) inhibitor, zinc protoporphyrin IX, a water-soluble micelle of copoly(styrene-maleic acid) as anticancer agent: In vitro and in vivo anticancer effect.
Eur J Pharm Biopharm 81: 540-547, 2012.
11. Hayashi H, Eguchi Y, Fukuchi-Nakaishi Y, Takeya M, Nakagata N, Tanaka K, Vance JE, Tanihara H.
A potential neuroprotective role of apolipoprotein E-containing lipoproteins through low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 in normal tension glaucoma.
J Biol Chem 287: 25395-25406, 2012.
12. Yamamoto M, Takeya M, Ikeshima-Kataoka H, Yasui M, Kawasaki Y, Shiraishi M, Majima E, Shiraishi S, Uezono Y, Sasaki M, Eto K.
Increased expression of aquaporin-4 by methylmercury in the brain of Common Marmoset.
J Toxicol Sci 37: 749-763, 2012.
13. Shiraishi D, Fujiwara Y, Komohara Y, Mizuta H, Takeya M.
Gulucagon-like peptide-1(GLP-1) induces M2 polarization of human macrophages via STAT3 activation.
BIochem BIophys Res Commun 425: 304-308, 2012.
14. Lai YL, Aoyama S, Ohata M, Otsuka N, Shiokawa H, Tomono S, Fujiwara Y, Kanazawa H, Miyoshi N, Ohshima H.
Dysregulation of dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase/asymmetric dimethylarginine pathway in rat type II diabetic nephropathy.
J Clin Biochem Nutr 51: 143-149, 2012.
15. Kawaguchi A, Iwadate Y, Komohara Y, Sano M, Kajiwara K, Yajima N, Tsuchiya N, Homma J, Aoki H, Kobayashi T, Sakai Y, Hondoh H, Fujii Y, Kakuma T, Yamanaka R.
Gene Expression Signature-Based Prognostic Risk Score in Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma Patients.
Clin Cancer Res 18: 5672-5681, 2012.
16. Komohara Y, Hasita H, Ohnishi K, Fujiwara Y, Bai B, Nakagawa T, Suzu S, Nakamura H, Kuratsu J, Takeya M.
Importance of direct macrophage-tumor cell interaction on progression of human glioma.
Cancer Sci 103: 2165-2172, 2012.
17. Ohnishi K, Oghiso Y, Takeya M.
Immunohistochemical Detection of a Possible Cellular Origin of Hepatic Histiocytic Sarcoma in Mice.
J Clin Exp Hematop 52: 171-177, 2012.
18. 竹屋元裕.
ケモカイン CCL2.
臨床免疫・アレルギー科 第57巻 特別増刊号 (Suppl.21): 349-357, 2012.
19. 菰原義弘、竹屋元裕.
がんとマクロファージ: TAMについて.
細胞工学 vol.31 No.11: 1242-1247, 2012.
20. 藤原章雄、菰原義弘、大西紘二、池田剛、竹屋元裕.
大豆たん白質研究 33: 170-175, 2012.
1. Yuki H, Ueno S, Tatetsu H, Niiro H, Iino T, Endo S, Kawano Y, Komohara Y, Takeya M, Hata H, Okada S, Watanabe T, Akashi K, Mitsuya H, Okuno Y.
PU.1 is a potent tumor suppressor in classical Hodgkin lymphoma cells.
Blood 121: 962-970, 2013.
2. Kinoshita H, Matsumura T, Ishii N, Fukuda K, Senokuchi T, Motoshima H, Kondo T, Taketa K, Kawasaki S, Hanatani S, Takeya M, Nishikawa T, Araki E.
Apocynin suppresses the progression of atherosclerosis in apoE-deficient mice by inactivation of macrophages.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 431: 124-130, 2013.
3. Tian Z, Miyata K, Tazume H, Sakauguchi H, Kadomatsu T, Horio E, Takahashi O, Komohara Y, Araki K, Hirata Y, Tabata M, Takanashi S, Takeya M, Hao H, Shimabukuro M, Sata M, Kawasuji M, Oike Y.
Perivascular adipose tissue-secreted angiopoietin-like protein2 (Angptl2) accelerates neointimal hyperplasia after endovascular injury.
J Mol Cell Cardiol 57: 1-12, 2013.
4. Yeung JT, Hamilton RL, Ohnishi K, Ikeura M, Potter DM, Nikiforova MN, Ferrone S, Jakacki RI, Pollack IF, Okada H.
LOH in the HLA Class I region at 6p21 is Associated with Shorter Survival in Newly Diagnosed Adult Glioblastoma.
Clin Cancer Res 19: 1816-1826, 2013.
5. Horlad H, Fujiwara Y, Takemura K, Ohnishi K, Ikeda T, Tsukamoto H, Mizuta H, Nishimura Y, Takeya M, Komohara Y.
Corosolic acid impairs tumor development and lung metastasis by inhibiting the immunosuppressive activity of myeloid-derived suppressor cells.
Mol Nutr Food Res 57: 1046-1054, 2013.
6. Itoh F, Komohara Y, Takaishi K, Honda R, Tashiro H, Kyo S, Katabuchi H, Takeya M.
Possible involvement of Stat3 in cell-cell interaction between peritoneal macrophages and endometrial stromal cells in human endometriosis.
Fertil Steril 99: 1705-1713, 2013.
7. Komohara Y, Niino D, Saito Y, Ohnishi K, Hasita H, Ohshima K, Takeya M.
Clinical significance of CD163+ tumor-associated macrophages in patients with adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma.
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8. Hara A, Sakai N, Furuichi K, Sakai Y, Takeya M, Bucala R, Mukaida N, Takuwa Y, Matsushima K, Kaneko S, Wada T.
CCL2/CCR2 augments the production of transforming growth factor-beta1, type 1 collagen and CCL2 by human CD45-/collagen 1-positive cells under high glucose concentrations.
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9. Nakagawa T, Sakashita N, Ohnishi K, Komohara Y, Takeya M.
Imprint cytological feature of large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the gallbladder: A case report.
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10. Eguchi K, Fujiwara Y, Hayashida A, Horlad H, Kato H, Rotinsulu H, Losung F, Mangindaan RE, de Voogd NJ, Takeya M, Tsukamoto S.
Manzamine A, a marine-derived alkaloid, inhibits accumulation of cholesterol ester in macrophages and suppresses hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis in vivo.
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11. Niibori-Nambu A, Midorikawa U, Mizuguchi S, Hide T, Nagai M, Komohara Y, Nagayama M, Hirayama M, Kobayashi D, Tsubota N, Takezaki T, Makino K, Nakamura H, Takeya M, Kuratsu J, Araki N.
Glioma Initiating Cells Form a Differentiation Niche Via the Induction of Extracellular Matrices and Integrin αV.
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12. Sakashita N, Kagawa S, Date S, Ueno T, Nakagawa T, Yamashita T, Obayashi K, Ohshima T, Ueda M, Horiguchi H, Ando Y, Takeya M.
Marked cardiomegaly in a patient with familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy after orthotopic liver transplantation: a case study.
Pathol Int 63: 260-265, 2013.
13. Nohara T, Fujiwara Y, Ikeda T, Murakami K, Ono M, Nakano D, Kinjo J.
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14. Manabe H, Fujiwara Y, Ikeda T, Ono M, Murakami K, Zhou JR, Yokomizo K, Nohara T.
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15. Ohnishi K, Komohara Y, Saito Y, Miyamoto Y, Watanabe M, Baba H, Takeya M.
CD169-positive macrophages in regional lymph nodes are associated with a favorable prognosis in patients with colorectal carcinoma.
Cancer Sci 104: 1237-1244, 2013.
16. Bai B, Horlad H, Saito Y, Ohnishi K, Fujiwara Y, Takeya M, Komohara Y.
Role of Stat3 activation in cell-cell interaction between B-cell lymphoma and macrophages: the in vitro study.
J Clin Exp Hematop 53: 127-133, 2013.
17. Fujiwara Y, Takaishi K, Nakao J, Ikeda T, Katabuchi H, Takeya M, Komohara Y.
Corosolic acid enhances the anti-tumor effects of chemotherapy to ovarian cancer by inhibiting STAT3 signaling.
Oncol Lett 6: 1619-1623, 2013.
18. Sugihara H, Ishimoto T, Watanabe M, Sawayama H, Iwatsuki M, Baba Y, Komohara Y, Takeya M, Baba H.
Identification of miR-30e* regulation of Bmi1 expression mediated by tumor-associated macrophages in gastrointestinal cancer.
PLos One 8: e81839, 2013.
19. Itoh M, Kato H, Suganami T, Konuma K, Marumoto Y, Terai S, Sakugawa H, Kanai A, Hamaguchi M, Fukaishi T, Aoe S, Akiyoshi K, Komohara Y, Takeya M, Sakaida I, Ogawa Y.
Hepatic crown-like structure: a unique histological feature in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis in mice and humans.
PLos One 8: e82163, 2013.
20. Baghdadi M, Yoneda A, Yamashina T, Nagao H, Komohara Y, Nagai S, Akiba H, Foretz M, Yoshiyama H, Kinoshita I, Dosaka-Akita H, Takeya M, Viollet B, Yagita H, Jinushi M.
TIM-4 Glycoprotein-Mediated Degradation of Dying Tumor Cells by Autophagy Leads to Reduced Antigen Presentation and Increased Immune Tolerance.
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21. 寺崎泰弘、寺崎美佳、一門和也、竹屋元裕、福田悠.
1. Sakashita N, Miyazaki A, Takeya M, Horiuchi S, Chang CCY, Chang TY, Takahashi K.
Localization of human acyl-coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase-1 (ACAT-1) in macrophages and in varioustissues.
American Journal of Pathology 156:227-236, 2000.
2. Yamashita T, Ando Y, Suhr OB, Nakamura M, Sakashita N, Ohlsson PI, Terazaki H, Obayashi K, Uchino M, Ando M.
A new diagnostic procedure to detect unknown transthyretin (TTR) mutations in familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP).
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3. Yamashita T, Ando Y, Obayashi K, Terazaki H, Sakashita N, Uchida K, Ohama E, Ando M, Uchino M.
Oxidative injury is present in Purkinje cells in patients with olivopontocerebellar atrophy.
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4. Sakashita N, Ando Y, Obayashi K, Terazaki H, Yamashita T, Takei M, Kinjo M, Takahashi K.
Familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (ATTR Ser50Ile): the first autopsy case report.
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5. Sakashita N, Miyazaki A, Takeya M, Horiuchi S, Chang CCY, Chang TY, Takahashi K.
Acyl coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT) in macrophage-derived foam cells and its distribution in human organs.
Acta Histochemica et Cytochemica 33:189-194, 2000.
6. Takahashi K, Takeya M, Sakashita N, Yoshimatsu M, and Jinnouchi K.
The role of macrophage scavenger receptors in atherosclerosis.
Seminars in Clinical Immunology, 19:29-38, 2000.
7. Chang CCY, Sakashita N, Ornvold K, Lee O, Chang ET, Dong R, Lin S, Lee Chi-Yu G, Strom S, Kashyap R, Fung J, Farese R, Patoiseau J-F, Delhon A, Chang TY.
Immunological quantitation and localization of ACAT-1 and ACAT-2 in human liver and small intestine.
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8. Lehtolainen P, Takeya M, YlŠ-Herttuala S.
Retrovirus-mediated, stable scavenger-receptor gene transfer leads to functional endocytotic receptor expression, foam cell formation, and increased susceptibility to apoptosis in rabbit aortic smooth muscle cells.
Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 20:52-60, 2000.
9. Usui M, Egashira K, Tomita H, Koyanagi M, Katoh M, Shimokawa H, Takeya M, Yoshimura T, Matsushima K, Takeshita A.
Important role of local angiotensin II activity mediated via type 1 receptor in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular inflammatory changes induced by chronic blockade of nitric oxide synthesis in rats.
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10. Yamate J, Yoshida H, Tsukamoto Y, Ide M, Kuwamura M, Ohashi F, Miyamoto T, Kotani T, Sakuma S, Takeya M.
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Veterinary Pathology 37:168-176, 2000.
11. Harada K, Hara S, Takeya M, Mahmoud Y A-G, Ohmori S, Wei Chang-Nian, Nakagawa T, Ueda A.
Experimental hypersensitivity pneumonitis indiced by Fusarium Kyushuense in mice. International Journal of Occupational Health and Safety 42:124-129, 2000.
12. Koyanagi M, Egashira K, Kitamoto S, Ni W, Shimokawa H, Takeya M, Yoshimura T, Takeshita A.
Role of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 in cardiovascular remodeling induced by chronic blockade of nitric oxide synthesis.
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13. Wada Y, Sugiyama A, Kohro T, Kobayashi M, Takeya M, Naito M, Kodama T.
In vitro model of atherosclerosis using coculture of arterial wall cellls and macrophage.
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14. 竹屋元裕、高橋潔.
遺伝子工学を用いた形質膜の機能解析 マクロファージスカベンジャー受容体と動脈硬化.
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15. 坂下直実、高橋潔.
現代医療 32: 2093-2100, 2000.
16. 宮崎章、チューチューマウン、堀内正公、坂下直実、竹屋元裕、高橋潔.
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17. 中川雄伸、坂下直実ほか.
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2. Yih S, Katabuchi H, Araki M, Matsuura K, Takeya M, Takahashi K, Okamura H.
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5. Nakamura R, Egashira K, Machida Y, Hayashidani S, Takeya M, Utsumi H, Tsutsui H, Takeshita A.
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7. Oike Y, Ito Y, Hamada K, Zhang XQ, Miyata K, Arai F, Inada T, Araki K, Nakagata N, Takeya M, Kisanuki Y, Yanagisawa M, Gale NW, Suda T.
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1. Endo M, Oyadomari S, Terasaki Y, Takeya M, Suga M, Mori M, Gotoh T.
Induction of arginase I and II in bleomycin induced fibrosis of mouse lung.
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2. Shirafuji T, Oka T, Sawada T, Tamura K, Nagayasu T, Takeya M, Yoshimura T, Ayabe H.
Effects of induction therapy on wound healing at bronchial anastomosis sites in rats.
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3. Jinnouchi K, Terasaki Y, Fujiyama S, Tomita K, Kuziel WA, Maeda N, Takahashi K, Takeya M.
Impaired hepatic granuloma formation in mice deficient in C-C chemokine receptor 2.
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4. Oike Y, Yasunaga K, Ito Y, Matsumoto S, Maekawa H, Morisada T, Arai F, Nakagata N, Takeya M, Masuho Y, Suda T.
Angiopoietin-related growth factor (AGF) promotes epidermal proliferation, remodeling, and regeneration.
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5. Furuichi K, Wada T, Iwata Y, Kitagawa K, Kobayashi K, Hashimoto H, Ishiwata Y, Asano M, Wang H, Matsushima K, Takeya M, Kuziel WA, Mukaida N, Yokoyama H.
CCR2 Signaling Contributes to Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Kidney.
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6. Yamada M, Kim S, Egashira K, Takeya M, Ikeda T, Mimura O, Iwao H.
Molecular Mechanism and Role of Endothelial Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 Induction by Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor.
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7. Sakashita N, Miyazaki A, Chang CCY, Chang TY, Kiyota E, Satoh M, Komohara Y, Morganelli P, Horiuchi S, Takeya M.
Acyl-coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase 2 (ACAT2) is induced in monocyte-derived macrophages: in vivo and in vitro studies.
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8. 竹屋元裕.
モノクローナル抗体を使って何が分かるか : 抗体の作り方から実験戦略の立て方まで.
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9. 尾田高志、藤野真之、山上和夫、大谷晴久、湯川進、竹屋元裕、吉沢信行.
SHC(自然発生高コレステロール血症)ラットにおける尿細管・間質病変および尿細管内Giant Mφに関する検討.
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10. 中川雄伸、寺崎泰弘、中村 治、吉松美佳、竹屋元裕.
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1. Jono T, Nagai R, Lin X, Ahmed N, Thornalley PJ, Takeya M, Horiuchi S.
N{varepsilon}-(Carboxymethyl)lysine and 3-DG-Imidazolone Are Major AGE Structures in Protein Modification by 3-Deoxyglucosone.
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2. Isome M, Fujinaka H, Adhikary LP, Kovalenko P, El-Shemi AG, Yoshida Y, Yaoita E, Takeishi T, Takeya M, Naito M, Suzuki H, Yamamoto T.
Important role for macrophages in induction of crescentic anti-GBM glomerulonephritis in WKY rats.
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3. Yoshimatsu M, Terasaki Y, Sakashita N, Kiyota E, Sato H, van der Laan LJ, Takeya M.
Induction of macrophage scavenger receptor MARCO in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis indicates possible involvement of endotoxin in its pathogenic process.
Int J Exp Pathol. 2004 , 85(6):335-343.
4. Kawashima M, Kuwamura M, Takeya M, Yamate J.
Morphologic characteristics of pulmonary macrophages in cetaceans: particular reference to pulmonary intravascular macrophages as a newly identified type.
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5. Okuma T, Terasaki Y, Kaikita K, Kobayashi H, Kuziel WA, Kawasuji M, Takeya M.
C-C chemokine receptor 2 (CCR2) deficiency improves bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis by attenuation of both macrophage infiltration and production of macrophage-derived matrix metalloproteinases.
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6. Zhang D, Hirota T, Marumoto T, Shimizu M, Kunitoku N, Sasayama T, Arima Y, Feng L, Suzuki M, Takeya M, Saya H.
Cre-loxP-controlled periodic Aurora-A overexpression induces mitotic abnormalities and hyperplasia in mammary glands of mouse models.
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7. Khuda SE, Yoshida M, Xing Y, Shimasaki T, Takeya M, Kuwahara K, Sakaguchi N.
The Sac3 homologue shd1 is involved in mitotic progression in mammalian cells.
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8. Kaikita K, Hayasaki T, Okuma T, Kuziel WA, Ogawa H, Takeya M.
Targeted deletion of CC chemokine receptor 2 attenuates left ventricular remodeling after experimental myocardial infarction.
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9. Hori M, Satoh M, Furukawa K, Sakamoto Y, Hakamata H, Komohara Y, Takeya M, Sasaki Y, Miyazaki A, Horiuchi S.
Acyl-coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase-2 (ACAT-2) is responsible for elevated intestinal ACAT activity in diabetic rats.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2004 , 24(9):1689-1695.
10. Kawashima M, Nakanishi M, Kuwamura M, Takeya M, Yamate J.
Distributive and phagocytic characteristics of hepatic macrophages in five cetaceans belonging to Delphinidae and Ziphiidae.
J Vet Med Sci. 2004 , 66(6):671-680.
11. Kitagawa K, Wada T, Furuichi K, Hashimoto H, Ishiwata Y, Asano M, Takeya M, Kuziel WA, Matsushima K, Mukaida N, Yokoyama H.
Blockade of CCR2 ameliorates progressive fibrosis in kidney.
Am J Pathol. 2004 , 165(1):237-246.
12. Miyamoto K, Kitamoto Y, Tokunaga H, Takeya M, Ezaki T, Imamura T, Tomita K.
Protective effect of vascular endothelial growth factor/vascular permeability factor 165 and 121 on glomerular endothelial cell injury in the rat.
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13. Kuwahara F, Kai H, Tokuda K, Takeya M, Takeshita A, Egashira K, Imaizumi T.
Hypertensive myocardial fibrosis and diastolic dysfunction: another model of inflammation?
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14. Kawashima M, Nakanishi M, Kuwamura M, Takeya M, Yamate J.
Immunohistochemical detection of macrophages in the short-finned pilot whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus) and Risso's dolphin (Grampus griseus).
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15. Hino H, Araki K, Uyama E, Takeya M, Araki M, Yoshinobu K, Miike K, Kawazoe Y, Maeda Y, Uchino M, Yamamura K.
Myopathy phenotype in transgenic mice expressing mutated PABPN1 as a model of oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy.
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16. Okiyoneda T, Harada K, Takeya M, Yamahira K, Wada I, Shuto T, Suico MA, Hashimoto Y, Kai H.
Delta F508 CFTR pool in the endoplasmic reticulum is increased by calnexin overexpression.
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17. 川島牧、中西雅子、桑村充、竹屋元裕、山手丈至.
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18. 竹屋元裕.
マクロファージの再認識 粥状動脈硬化症とマクロファージ.
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19. 衛藤光明、竹屋元裕、秋間道夫.
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20. 真柴新一、小笠原憲、竹屋元裕、和田洋一郎、佐原真、小島志穂、田端一恵、相沢忠範、児玉龍彦.
臨床病理 52: 67-74, 2004.
1. Komohara Y, Terasaki Y, Kaikita K, Suzuki H, Kodama T, Takeya M.
Clearance of apoptotic cells is not impaired in mouse embryos deficient in class A scavenger receptor types I and II (CD204).
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2. Fukuhara-Takaki K, Sakai M, Sakamoto Y, Takeya M, Horiuchi S.
Expression of class A scavenger receptor is enhanced by high glucose in vitro and under diabetic conditions in vivo: one mechanism for an increased rate of atherosclerosis in diabetes.
J Biol Chem. 280(5): 3355-3364, 2005.
3. Terasaki Y, Fukuda Y, Suga M, Ikeguchi N, Takeya M.
Epimorphin expression in interstitial pneumonia.
Respir Res. 6(1): 6, 2005.
4. Nakajou K, Horiuchi S, Sakai M, Haraguchi N, Tanaka M, Takeya M, Otagiri M.
Renal clearance of glycolaldehyde- and methylglyoxal-modified proteins in mice is mediated by mesangial cells through a class A scavenger receptor (SR-A).
Diabetologia. 48(2): 317-327, 2005.
5. Oike Y, Akao M, Yasunaga K, Yamauchi T, Morisada T, Ito Y, Urano T, Kimura Y, Kubota Y, Maekawa H, Miyamoto T, Miyata K, Matsumoto SI, Sakai J, Nakagata N, Takeya M, Koseki H, Ogawa Y, Kadowaki T, Suda T.
Angiopoietin-related growth factor antagonizes obesity and insulin resistance.
Nat Med. 11(4):400-408, 2005.
6. Nakajou K, Horiuchi S, Sakai M, Hirata K, Tanaka M, Takeya M, Kai T, Otagiri M.
CD36 is not involved in scavenger receptor-mediated endocytic uptake of glycolaldehyde- and methylglyoxal-modified proteins by liver endothelial cells.
J Biochem (Tokyo). 137(5): 607-616, 2005.
7. Izumi Y, Kim-Mitsuyama S, Yoshiyama M, Omura T, Shiota M, Matsuzawa A, Yukimura T, Murohara T, Takeya M, Ichijo H, Yoshikawa J, Iwao H.
Important role of apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 in ischemia-induced angiogenesis.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 25(9): 1877-1883, 2005.
8. Fujimura S, Xing Y, Takeya M, Yamashita Y, Ohshima K, Kuwahara K, Sakaguchi N.
Increased expression of germinal center-associated nuclear protein RNA-primase is associated with lymphomagenesis.
Cancer Res. 65(13): 5925-534, 2005.
9. Yagi M, Miyamoto T, Sawatani Y, Iwamoto K, Hosogane N, Fujita N, Morita K, Ninomiya K, Suzuki T, Miyamoto K, Oike Y, Takeya M, Toyama Y, Suda T.
DC-STAMP is essential for cell-cell fusion in osteoclasts and foreign body giant cells.
J Exp Med. 202(3): 345-351, 2005.
10. Ohmuraya M, Hirota M, Araki M, Mizushima N, Matsui M, Mizumoto T, Haruna K, Kume S, Takeya M, Ogawa M, Araki K, Yamamura K.
Autophagic cell death of pancreatic acinar cells in serine protease inhibitor Kazal type 3-deficient mice.
Gastroenterology. 129(2):696-705, 2005.
11. Arredouani MS, Palecanda A, Koziel H, Huang YC, Imrich A, Sulahian TH, Ning YY, Yang Z, Pikkarainen T, Sankala M, Vargas SO, Takeya M, Tryggvason K, Kobzik L.
MARCO is the major binding receptor for unopsonized particles and bacteria on human alveolar macrophages.
J Immunol. 175(9): 6058-6064, 2005.
12. 竹屋元裕.
日本臨床 63: 増刊号4、117-122、2005.
13. 海北幸一、小川久雄、竹屋元裕.
循環器専門医: 日本循環器学会専門医誌 13: 297-304, 2005.
14. 谷原秀信、稲谷大、川路隆博、猪俣泰也、高野晃臣、相良仁奈、高橋枝里、平田憲、安東えい子、古賀貴久、粟井麻衣子、古賀朋代、筒井順一郎、犬丸淳子、馬渡祐記、井上俊洋、福島美紀子、本庄恵、木戸啓文、佐谷秀行、永野修、竹屋元裕、安東由喜雄、森正敬、田賀哲也、成宮周、沢村達也、BYJT Yue、本田孔士、永田誠.
新しい眼薬物療法 : 分子基盤に基づいた眼疾患の理解と新しい眼薬物療法.
日本眼科學会雜誌 109: 917-959, 2005.
1. Semba K, Araki K, Li Z, Matsumoto K, Suzuki M, Nakagata N, Takagi K, Takeya M, Yoshinobu K, Araki M, Imai K, Abe K, Yamamura K.
A novel murine gene, Sickle tail, linked to the Danforth's short tail locus, is required for normal development of the intervertebral disc.
Genetics. 172(1):445-456, 2006
2. Seike M, Ikeda M, Matsumoto M, Hamada R, Takeya M, Kodama H.
Hyaluronan forms complexes with low density lipoprotein while also inducing foam cell infiltration in the dermis.
J Dermatol Sci. 41(3):197-204, 2006
3. Hayasaki T, Kaikita K, Okuma T, Yamamoto E, Kuziel WA, Ogawa H, Takeya M.
CC Chemokine Receptor-2 Deficiency Attenuates Oxidative Stress and Infarct Size Caused by Myocardial Ischemia-Reperfusion in Mice.
Circ J. 70(3):342-351, 2006
4. Fulton WB, Reeves RH, Takeya M, De Maio A.
A Quantitative Trait Loci Analysis to Map Genes Involved in Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Inflammatory Response: Identification of Macrophage Scavenger Receptor 1 as a Candidate Gene.
J. Immunol. 176: 3767 - 3773, 2006.
5. Komohara Y, Hirahara J, Horikawa T, Kawamura K, Kiyota E, Sakashita N, Araki N, Takeya M.
AM-3K, an anti-macrophage antibody, recognizes CD163, a molecule associated with an anti-inflammatory macrophage phenotype.
J Histochem Cytochem. 54(7):763-771, 2006.
6. Horikawa T, Komohara Y, Kiyota E, Terasaki Y, Takagi K, Takeya M.
Detection of guinea pig macrophages by a new CD68 monoclonal antibody, PM-1K.
J Mol Histol. 37(1):15-25, 2006.
7. Terasaki Y, Akuta T, Terasaki M, Sawa T, Mori T, Okamoto T, Ozaki M, Takeya M, Akaike T.
Guanine Nitration in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis and its Implication for Carcinogenesis.
Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 174(6): 665-673, 2006.
8. Nakano N, Fukuhara-Takaki K, Jono T, Nakajou K, Eto N, Horiuchi S, Takeya M, Nagai R.
Association of Advanced Glycation End Products with A549 Cells, a Human Pulmonary Epithelial Cell Line, Is Mediated by a Receptor Distinct from the Scavenger Receptor Family and RAGE.
J Biochem (Tokyo). 139(5): 821-829, 2006.
9. Sakashita N, Ando Y, Haraoka K, Terazaki H, Yamashita T, Nakamura M, Takeya M.
Severe congestive heart failure with cardiac liver cirrhosis 10 years after orthotopic liver transplantation for familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy.
Pathol Int. 56(7):408-412, 2006.
10. Ichinose K, Okamoto T, Tanimoto H, Taguchi H, Tashiro M, Sugita M, Takeya M, Terasaki H.
A moderate dose of propofol and rapidly induced mild hypothermia with extracorporeal lung and heart assist (ECLHA) improve the neurological outcome after prolonged cardiac arrest in dogs.
Resuscitation. 70(2): 275-284, 2006.
11. Ikema K, Matsumoto K, Inomata Y, Komohara Y, Miyajima S, Takeya M, Tanihara H.
Induction of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and tissue inhibitors of MMPs correlates with outcome of acute experimental pseudomonal keratitis.
Exp Eye Res 83(6):1396-1404, 2006.
12. Okuma T, Terasaki Y, Sakashita N, Kaikita K, Kobayashi H, Hayasaki T, Kuziel WA, Baba H, Takeya M.
MCP-1/CCR2 signalling pathway regulates hyperoxia-induced acute lung injury via nitric oxide production.
Int J Exp Pathol 87(6): 475-483, 2006.
13. Chang C, Dong R, Miyazaki A, Sakashita N, Zhang Y, Liu J, Guo M, Li BL, Chang TY.
Human acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT) and its potential as a target for pharmaceutical intervention against atherosclerosis.
Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai) 38:151-156, 2006.
14. 平井奉博、井手淳二、前田智、水田博志、竹屋元裕.
整形外科と災害外科 55: 436-439, 2006.
1. Hoshii T, Takeo T, Nakagata N, Takeya M, Araki K, Yamamura KI.
LGR4 Regulates the postnatal development and integrity of male reproductive tracts in mice.
Biol Reprod 76: 303-313, 2007.
2. Usui HK, Shikata K, Sasaki M, Okada S, Matsuda M, Shikata Y, Ogawa D, Kido Y, Nagase R, Yozai K, Ohga S, Tone A, Wada J, Takeya M, Horiuchi S, Kodama T, Makino H.
Macrophage scavenger receptor-a-deficient mice are resistant against diabetic nephropathy through amelioration of microinflammation.
Diabetes 56: 363-372, 2007.
3. Tsujita K, Kaikita K, Hayasaki T, Honda T, Kobayashi H, Sakashita N, Suzuki H, Kodama T, Ogawa H, Takeya M.
Targeted Deletion of Class A Macrophage Scavenger Receptor Increases the Risk of Cardiac Rupture After Experimental Myocardial Infarction.
Circulation 115: 1904-1911, 2007.
4. Kobayashi H, Sakashita N, Okuma T, Terasaki Y, Tsujita K, Suzuki H, Kodama T, Nomori H, Kawasuji M, Takeya M.
Class A scavenger receptor (CD204) attenuates hyperoxia-induced lung injury by reducing oxidative stress.
J Pathol 212: 38-46, 2007.
5. Sakashita N, Yokose C, Fujii K, Matsumoto M, Ohnishi K, Takeya M.
Pulmonary tumor thrombotic microangiopathy resulting from metastatic signet ring cell carcinoma of the stomach: a case study.
Pathol Int 57: 383-387, 2007.
6. Suzu S, Hiyoshi M, Yoshidomi Y, Harada H, Takeya M, Kimura F, Motoyoshi K, Okada S.
M-CSF-mediated macrophage differentiation but not proliferation is correlated with increased and prolonged ERK activation.
J Cell Physiol 212(2): 519-525, 2007.
7. Mehta JL, Sanada N, Hu CP, Chen J, Dandapat A, Sugawara F, Satoh H, Inoue K, Kawase Y, Jishage K, Suzuki H, Takeya M, Schnackenberg L, Beger R, Hermonat PL, Thomas M, Sawamura T.
Deletion of LOX-1 reduces atherogenesis in LDLR knockout mice fed high cholesterol diet.
Circ Res 100(11): 1634-1642, 2007.
8. Bak SP, Walters JJ, Takeya M, Conejo-Garcia JR, Berwin BL.
Scavenger receptor-A-targeted leukocyte depletion inhibits peritoneal ovarian tumor progression.
Cancer Res 67(10): 4783-4789, 2007.
9. Tatetsu H, Ueno S, Hata H, Yamada Y, Takeya M, Mitsuya H, Tenen DG, Okuno Y.
Down-regulation of PU.1 by methylation of distal regulatory elements and the promoter is required for myeloma cell growth.
Cancer Res 67(11): 5328-5836, 2007.
10. Bover LC, Cardo-Vila M, Kuniyasu A, Sun J, Rangel R, Takeya M, Aggarwal BB, Arap W, Pasqualini R.
A previously unrecognized protein-protein interaction between TWEAK and CD163: potential biological implications.
J Immunol 178(12):8183-8194, 2007.
11. Itoh M, Suganami T, Satoh N, Tanimoto-Koyama K, Yuan X, Tanaka M, Kawano H, Yano T, Aoe S, Takeya M, Shimatsu A, Kuzuya H, Kamei Y, Ogawa Y.
Increased Adiponectin Secretion by Highly Purified Eicosapentaenoic Acid in Rodent Models of Obesity and Human Obese Subjects.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 27(9): 1918-1925, 2007.
12. Ito A, Suganami T, Miyamoto Y, Yoshimasa Y, Takeya M, Kamei Y, Ogawa Y.
Role of MAPK phosphatase-1 in the induction of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 during the course of adipocyte hypertrophy.
J Biol Chem 282(35): 25445-25452, 2007.
13. Fujiwara Y, Kiyota N, Hori M, Matsushita S, Iijima Y, Aoki K, Shibata D, Takeya M, Ikeda T, Nohara T, Nagai R.
Esculeogenin A, a New Tomato Sapogenol, Ameliorates Hyperlipidemia and Atherosclerosis in ApoE-Deficient Mice by Inhibiting ACAT.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 27(11): 2400-2406, 2007.
14. Yamauchi Y, Reid PC, Sperry JB, Furukawa K, Takeya M, Chang CC, Chang TY.
Plasma membrane rafts complete cholesterol synthesis by participating in retrograde movement of precursor sterols.
J Biol Chem 282(48): 34994-5004 2007.
15. Matsumoto M, Ikeda M, Takeya M, Kodama H.
Plane xanthoma associated with multiple mastocytoma.
Pediatr Dermatol 24(5): E66-69, 2007.
16. Azuma K, Komohara Y, Sasada T, Terazaki Y, Ideka J, Hoshino T, Itoh K, Yamada A, Aizawa H.
Excision repair cross-complementation group 1 predicts progression-free and overall survival in non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with platinum-based chemotherapy.
Cancer Science 98 :1336-1343, 2007.
17. Noguchi M, Yao A, Harada M, Nakashima O, Komohara Y, Yamada S, Itoh K, Matsuoka K.
Immunological evaluation of neoadjuvant peptide vaccination before radical prostatectomy for patients with localized prostate cancer.
Prostate 67: 933-942, 2007.
18. 坂下直実.
留学の印象 キャシーが教えてくれたこと.
熊杏, 第52号, 熊杏会(熊本大学医学部同窓会), 110-112, 2007.
19. 坂下直実.
熊本医学会ニューズレター第6号, 7-11, 2007.
20. 堀 和樹,内野良仁,花田法久,草野秀一,坂下直実.
日本臨床外科学会雑誌 68(6):1472-1475, 2007.
21. 中村 正, 工藤博徳, 東 修一, 友田邦彦, 束野通志, 雷 小峰, 坂下直実, 竹屋元裕, 中村宏志.
リウマチ科38(2):199-204, 2007.
22. 堀和樹、内野良仁、花田法久、草野秀一、林田佳子、坂下直実.
日本臨床外科学会雑誌 68: 900-903, 2007.
1. Hiyoshi M, Suzu S, Yoshidomi Y, Hassan R, Harada H, Sakashita N, Akari H, Motoyoshi K, Okada S.
Interaction between Hck and HIV-1 Nef negatively regulates cell surface expression of M-CSF receptor.
Blood 111: 243-250, 2008.
2. Nagai R, Fujiwara Y, Mera K, Yamagata K, Sakashita N, Takeya M.
Immunochemical detection of N(epsilon)-(carboxyethyl)lysine using a specific antibody.
J Immunol Methods 332: 112-120, 2008.
3. Katayama N, Nakajou K, Komori H, Uchida K, Yokoe J, Yasui N, Yamamoto H, Kai T, Sato M, Nakagawa T, Takeya M, Maruyama T, Otagiri M.
Design and evaluation of S-nitrosylated human serum albumin (SNO-HSA) as a novel anticancer drug.
J Pharmacol Exp Ther 325: 69-76, 2008.
4. Taketa K, Matsumura T, Yano M, Ishii N, Senokuchi T, Motoshima H, Murata Y, Kim-Mitsuyama S, Kawada T, Itabe H, Takeya M, Nishikawa T, Tsuruzoe K, Araki E.
Ox-LDL activates PPARalpha and PPARgamma through MAPK-dependent COX-2 expression in macrophages.
J Biol Chem 283: 9852-9862, 2008.
5. Sakashita N, Yamada M, Nakagawa T, Yamasaki H, Takeya M.
A leiomyomatoid angiomatous neuroendocrine tumor of the myometrium: case study with ultrastructural analysis.
Hum Pathol 39: 788-792, 2008.
6. Fujiwara Y, Kiyota N, Motomura K, Mera K, Takeya M, Ikeda T, Nagai R.
Some Natural Compounds Enhance N{varepsilon}-(Carboxymethyl)lysine Formation.
Ann N Y Acad Sci 1126: 152-154, 2008.
7. Honda T, Kaikita K, Tsujita K, Hayasaki T, Matsukawa M, Fuchigami S, Sugiyama S, Sakashita N, Ogawa H, Takeya M.
Pioglitazone, a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma agonist, attenuates myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury in mice with metabolic disorders.
J Mol Cell Cardiol 44: 926-926, 2008.
8. Nakayama M, Kudoh T, Kaikita K, Yoshimura M, Oshima S, Miyamoto Y, Takeya M, Ogawa H.
Class A macrophage scavenger receptor gene expression levels in peripheral blood mononuclear cells specifically increase in patients with acute coronary syndrome.
Atherosclerosis 198: 426-433, 2008.
9. Toyoda T, Kamei Y, Kato H, Sugita S, Takeya M, Suganami T, Ogawa Y.
Effect of Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor-alpha Ligands in the Interaction Between Adipocytes and Macrophages in Obese Adipose Tissue.
Obesity 16: 1199-1207, 2008.
10. Satoh H, Kiyota E, Terasaki Y, Sawamura T, Takagi K, Mizuta H, Takeya M.
Expression and Localization of Lectin-like Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor-1 (LOX-1) in Murine and Human Placentas.
J Histochem Cytochem 56: 773-784, 2008.
11. Zhang D, Shimizu T, Araki N, Hirota T, Yoshie M, Ogawa K, Nakagata N, Takeya M, Saya H.
Aurora A overexpression induces cellular senescence in mammary gland hyperplastic tumors developed in p53-deficient mice.
Oncogene 27: 4305-4314, 2008.
12. Shiraki N, Umeda K, Sakashita N, Takeya M, Kume K, Kume S.
Differentiation of mouse and human ES cells into hepatic lineages.
Genes Cells 13: 731-746, 2008.
13. Wang J, Ohmuraya M, Hirota M, Baba H, Zhao G, Takeya M, Araki K, Yamamura KI.
Expression pattern of serine protease inhibitor kazal type 3 (Spink3) during mouse embryonic development.
Histochem Cell Biol 130: 387-397, 2008.
14. Komohara Y, Ohnishi K, Kuratsu J, Takeya M.
Possible involvement of the M2 anti-inflammatory macrophage phenotype in growth of human gliomas.
J Pathol 216: 15-24, 2008.
15. Inoue S, Ohta M, Li Z, Zhao G, Takaoka Y, Sakashita N, Miyakawa K, Takada K, Tei H, Suzuki M, Masuoka M, Sakaki Y, Takahashi K, Yamamura KI.
Specific pathogen free conditions prevent transthyretin amyloidosis in mouse models.
Transgenic Res 17: 817-826, 2008.
16. Ogasawara K, Mashiba S, Hashimoto H, Kojima S, Matsuno S, Takeya M, Uchida K, Yajima J.
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL), which includes apolipoprotein A-I (apoAI-LDL) as a novel marker of coronary artery disease.
Clin Chim Acta 397: 42-47, 2008.
17. Ito A, Suganami T, Yamauchi A, Degawa-Yamauchi M, Tanaka M, Kouyama R, Kobayashi Y, Nitta N, Yasuda K, Hirata Y, Kuziel WA, Takeya M, Kanegasaki S, Kamei Y, Ogawa Y.
Role of C-C chemokine receptor 2 in bone marrow cells in the recruitment of macrophages into obese adipose tissue.
J Biol Chem 283: 35715-35723, 2008.
18. Zhao G, Li Z, Araki K, Haruna K, Yamaguchi K, Araki M, Takeya M, Ando Y, Yamamura KI.
Inconsistency between hepatic expression and serum concentration of transthyretin in mice humanized at the transthyretin locus.
Genes Cells 13: 1257-1268, 2008.
19. 大西紘二, 堀野敬, 木村正美, 竹屋元裕.
診断病理 25: 82-87, 2008.
20. 堀和樹, 花田法久, 草野秀一, 鶴本泰之, 坂下直実, 内野良仁.
Imatinib Mesylate低用量投与後に切除した胃Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor の1例.
癌と化学療法 35: 1749-1751, 2008.
21. 草野秀一、花田法久、堀和樹、鶴本泰之、坂下直実、内野良仁.
日本臨床外科学会雑誌 69: 2552-2556, 2008.
22. 西村卓祐、木村正美、松下弘雄、原田洋明、平田貴文、岡村茂樹、川田康誠、下川恭弘、仁田畑和、竹屋元裕、米澤傑.
消化器外科 31:1701-1708, 2008.
1. Adachi H, Fujiwara Y, Kondo T, Nishikawa T, Ogawa R, Matsumura T, Ishii N, Nagai R, Miyata K, Tabata M, Motoshima H, Furukawa N, Tsuruzoe K, Kawashima J, Takeya M, Yamashita S, Koh GY, Suda T, Oike Y, Araki E.
Angptl 4 deficiency improves lipid metabolism, suppresses foam cell formation and protects against atherosclerosis.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 379: 806-811, 2009.
2. Sugamura K, Sugiyama S, Nozaki T, Matsuzawa Y, Izumiya Y, Miyata K, Nakayama M, Kaikita K, Obata T, Takeya M, Ogawa H.
Activated Endocannabinoid System in Coronary Artery Disease and Antiinflammatory Effects of Cannabinoid 1 Receptor Blockade on Macrophages.
Circulation 119: 28-36, 2009.
3. Jin S, Zhao G, Li Z, Nishimoto Y, Isohama Y, Shen J, Ito T, Takeya M, Araki K, He P, Yamamura KI.
Age-related pulmonary emphysema in mice lacking alpha/beta hydrolase domain containing 2 gene.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 380: 419-424, 2009.
4. Kawamura K, Komohara Y, Takaishi K, Katabuchi H, Takeya M.
Detection of M2 macrophages and colony-stimulating factor 1 expression in serous and mucinous ovarian epithelial tumors.
Pathol Int 59: 300-305, 2009.
5. Yajima I, Kumasaka M, Thang ND, Yanagishita T, Ohgami N, Kallenberg D, Naito Y, Yoshikawa T, Sakashita N, Kato M.
Zinc finger protein 28 as a novel melanoma-related molecule.
J Dermatol Sci 55: 68-70, 2009.
6. Matsumoto K, Fujiwara Y, Nagai R, Yoshida M.
Immunohistochemical detection of advanced glycation end products in human bladder with specific monoclonal antibody.
Int J Urol 16: 402-405, 2009.
7. Iijima Y, Fujiwara Y, Tokita T, Ikeda T, Nohara T, Aoki K, Shibata D.
Involvement of ethylene in the accumulation of esculeoside A during fruit ripening of tomato.
J Agric Food Chem 57: 3247-3252, 2009.
8. Inomata Y, Fukushima M, Hara R, Takahashi E, Honjo M, Koga T, Kawaji T, Satoh H, Takeya M, Sawamura T, Tanihara H.
Suppression of Choroidal Neovascularization in Lectin-like Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor Type 1-Deficient Mice.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 50: 3970-3976, 2009.
9. Higashi-Kuwata N, Makino T, Inoue Y, Takeya M, Ihn H.
Alternatively activated macrophages (M2 macrophages) in the skin of patient with localized scleroderma.
Exp Dermatol 18: 727-729, 2009.
10. Motomura K, Fujiwara Y, Kiyota N, Tsurushima K, Takeya M, Nohara T, Nagai R, Ikeda T.
Astragalosides Isolated from the Root of Astragalus Radix Inhibit the Formation of Advanced Glycation End Products.
J Agric Food Chem 57: 7666-7672, 2009.
11. Komohara Y, Takemura K, Lei XF, Sakashita N, Harada M, Suzuki H, Kodama T, Takeya M.
Delayed growth of EL4 lymphoma in SR-A-deficient mice is due to upregulation of nitric oxide and interferon-gamma production by tumor-associated macrophages.
Cancer Sci 100: 2160-2166, 2009.
12. Ohta K, Kuwahara K, Zhang Z, Makino K, Komohara Y, Nakamura H, Kuratsu JI, Sakaguchi N.
Decreased expression of germinal center-associated nuclear protein is involved in chromosomal instability in malignant gliomas.
Cancer Sci 100: 2169-2176, 2009.
13. Kojima S, Kojima S, Ueno H, Takeya M, Ogawa H.
Increased density of the liver and amiodarone-associated phospholipidosis.
Cardiol Res Pract 2009: 598940, 2009.
14. 藤原章雄、池田剛、竹屋元裕、野原稔弘、永井竜児.
New Food Industry 51: 21-29, 2009.
15. 竹屋元裕.
骨髄病理のトピックス 組織球肉腫.
病理と臨床 27: 1077-1081, 2009.
16. 大西紘二、村山寿彦、森松嘉孝、吉野歩、竹屋元裕.
診断病理 26: 285-291, 2009.
1. Ohnishi K, Komohara Y, Sakashita N, Iyama K, Murayama T, Takeya M.
Macrophages in Langerhans cell histiocytosis are differentiated toward M2 phenotype: Their possible involvement in pathological processes.
Pathol Int 60: 27-34, 2010.
2. Takemura K, Sakashita N, Fujiwara Y, Komohara Y, Lei X, Ohnishi K, Suzuki H, Kodama T, Mizuta H, Takeya M.
Class A scavenger receptor promotes osteoclast differentiation via the enhanced expression of receptor activator of NF-kappaB (RANK).
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 391: 1675-1680, 2010.
3. Tanaka M, Suganami T, Sugita S, Shimoda Y, Kasahara M, Aoe S, Takeya M, Takeda S, Kamei Y, Ogawa Y.
Role of Central Leptin Signaling in Renal Macrophage Infiltration.
Endocr J 57: 61-72, 2010.
4. Tateno H, Ohnishi K, Yabe R, Hayatsu N, Sato T, Takeya M, Narimatsu H, Hirabayashi J.
Dual specificity of Langerin to sulfated and mannosylated glycans via a single C-type carbohydrate recognition domain.
J Biol Chem 285: 6390-6400, 2010.
5. Sugamura K, Sugiyama S, Fujiwara Y, Matsubara J, Akiyama E, Maeda H, Ohba K, Matsuzawa Y, Konishi M, Nozaki T, Horibata Y, Kaikita K, Sumida H, Takeya M, Ogawa H.
Cannabinoid 1 Receptor Blockade Reduces Atherosclerosis with Enhances Reverse Cholesterol Transport.
J Atheroscler Thromb 17: 141-147, 2010.
6. Nagai R, Nagai M, Shimasaki S, Baynes JW, Fujiwara Y.
Citric acid inhibits development of cataracts, proteinuria and ketosis in streptozotocin (type1) diabetic rats.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 393: 118-122, 2010.
7. Niino D, Komohara Y, Murayama T, Aoki R, Kimura Y, Hashikawa K, Kiyasu J, Takeuchi M, Suefuji N, Sugita Y, Takeya M, Ohshima K.
Ratio of M2 macrophage expression is closely associated with poor prognosis for Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AITL).
Pathol Int 60: 278-283, 2010.
8. Herbas MS, Ueta YY, Ichikawa C, Chiba M, Ishibashi K, Shichiri M, Fukumoto S, Yokoyama N, Takeya M, Xuan X, Arai H, Suzuki H.
Alpha-tocopherol transfer protein disruption confers resistance to malarial infection in mice.
Malar J 9: 101, 2010.
9. Sakashita N, Chang CC, Lei X, Fujiwara Y, Takeya M, Chang TY.
Cholesterol loading in macrophages stimulates formation of ER-derived vesicles with elevated ACAT1 activity.
J Lipid Res 51: 1263-1272, 2010.
10. Ishii N, Matsumura T, Kinoshita H, Fukuda K, Motoshima H, Senokuchi T, Nakao S, Tsutsumi A, Kim-Mitsuyama S, Kawada T, Takeya M, Miyamura N, Nishikawa T, Araki E.
Nifedipine Induces Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-{gamma} Activation in Macrophages and Suppresses the Progression of Atherosclerosis in Apolipoprotein E-Deficient Mice.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 30: 1598-1605, 2010.
11. Hasita H, Komohara Y, Okabe H, Masuda T, Ohnishi K, Lei XF, Beppu T, Baba H, Takeya M.
Significance of alternatively activated macrophages in patients with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma.
Cancer Sci 101: 1913-1919, 2010.
12. Lei X, Fujiwara Y, Chang CC, Chang TY, Takeya M, Sakashita N.
Association of ACAT1-positive vesicles with late endosomes/lysosomes in cholesterol-rich human macrophages.
J Atheroscler Thromb 17: 740-750, 2010.
13. Ohgami N, Ida-Eto M, Shimotake T, Sakashita N, Sone M, Nakashima T, Tabuchi K, Hoshino T, Shimada A, Tsuzuki T, Yamamoto M, Sobue G, Jijiwa M, Asai N, Hara A, Takahashi M, Kato M.
c-Ret-mediated hearing loss in mice with Hirschsprung disease.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 107: 13051-13056, 2010.
14. El-Aasr M, Fujiwara Y, Takeya M, Ikeda T, Tsukamoto S, Ono M, Nakano D, Okawa M, Kinjo J, Yoshimitsu H, Nohara T.
Onionin A from Allium cepa Inhibits Macrophage Activation.
J Nat Prod 73: 1306-1308, 2010.
15. Higashi-Kuwata N, Masatoshi J, Makino T, Fukushima S, Inoue Y, Muchemwa FC, Yonemura Y, Komohara Y, Takeya M, Mitsuya H, Ihn H.
Characterization of monocyte/macrophage subsets in the skin and peripheral blood derived from patients with systemic sclerosis.
Arthritis Res Ther 12: R128, 2010.
16. Nakamura M, Kikukawa Y, Takeya M, Mitsuya H, Hata H.
Clarithromycin attenuates autophagy in myeloma cells.
Int J Oncol 37: 815-820, 2010.
17. Eto K, Marumoto M, Takeya M.
The pathology of methylmercury poisoning (Minamata disease).
Neuropathology 30: 471-479, 2010.
18. Takaishi K, Komohara Y, Tashiro H, Ohtake H, Nakagawa T, Katabuchi H, Takeya M.
Involvement of M2-polarized macrophages in the ascites from advanced epithelial ovarian carcinoma in tumor progression via Stat3 activation.
Cancer Sci 101: 2128-2136, 2010.
19. Nohara T, Ono M, Ikeda T, Fujiwara Y, El-Aasr M.
The Tomato Saponin, Esculeoside A.
J Nat Prod 73: 1734-1741, 2010.
20. Kasama Y, Sekiguchi S, Saito M, Tanaka K, Satoh M, Kuwahara K, Sakaguchi N, Takeya M, Hiasa Y, Kohara M, Tsukiyama-Kohara K.
Persistent expression of the full genome of hepatitis C virus in B cells induces spontaneous development of B-cell lymphomas in vivo.
Blood 116: 4926-4933, 2010.
21. Fujiwara Y, Komohara Y, Tsurushima K, Ikeda T, Takeya M.
Effect of natural compounds on human macrophage activation.
Inflammation and Regeneration 30: 520-523, 2010.
22. Fujiwara Y, Yoshitomi M, Mera K, Nagai M, Takeya M, Ikeda T, Nagai R.
Some natural products extracts inhibit the formation of N(carboxymetyl)arginine.
The Maillard Reaction: Interface Between Aging, Nutrition and Metabolism: 206-210, 2010.
日呼吸会誌 48: 847-854, 2010.
24. 花田法久、冨山成章、堀和樹、草野秀一、吉田泰、川田康誠、内野良仁、坂下直実.
転移性肺腫瘍切除後Trastuzumab投与し4 年間無再発乳癌の1例.
癌と化学療法 37: 2905-2907, 2010.
25. 油井武、谷村信彦、芝原友幸、高木嘉彦、竹屋元裕、渡辺喜正、久保正法.
日本獣医師会雑誌 63: 935-938, 2010.
1. Fujiwara Y, Komohara Y, Ikeda T, Takeya M.
Corosolic acid inhibits glioblastoma cell proliferation by suppressing the activation of signal transducer and activator of transcription-3 and nuclear factor-kappa B in tumor cells and tumor-associated macrophages.
Cancer Sci 102: 206-211, 2011.
2. Manabe H, Murakami Y, El-Aasr M, Ikeda T, Fujiwara Y, Ono M, Nohara T.
Content variations of the tomato saponin esculeoside A in various processed tomatoes.
J Nat Med 65: 176-179, 2011.
3. Fujiwara Y, Kiyota N, Tsurushima K, Yoshitomi M, Mera K, Sakashita N, Takeya M, Ikeda T, Araki T, Nohara T, Nagai R.
Natural Compounds Containing a Catechol Group Enhance the Formation of N
Free Radic Biol Med 50: 883-891, 2011.
4. Hashimoto Y, Shuto T, Mizunoe S, Tomita A, Koga T, Sato T, Takeya M, Suico MA, Niibori A, Sugahara T, Shimasaki S, Sugiyama T, Scholte B, Kai H.
CFTR-deficiency renders mice highly susceptible to cutaneous symptoms during mite infestation.
Lab Invest 91: 509-518, 2011.
5. Fujita M, Kohanbash G, Fellows-Mayle W, Hamilton RL, Komohara Y, Decker SA, Ohlfest JR, Okada H.
COX-2 blockade suppresses gliomagenesis by inhibiting myeloid-derived suppressor cells.
Cancer Res 71: 2664-2674, 2011.
6. Sakashita N, Motooka Y, Suganuma M, Ohnishi K, Fujiwara Y, Nakagawa T, Ichiyasu H, Takeya M.
A case of pulmonary capillary hemangiomatosis with pulmonary fibrosis associated with MMP-9 related pulmonary remodeling.
Pathol Int 61: 306-312, 2011.
7. Katsumata A, Kimura M, Saigo H, Aburaya K, Nakano M, Ikeda T, Fujiwara Y, Nagai R.
Changes in Esculeoside A Content in Different Regions of the Tomato Fruit during Maturation and Heat Processing.
J Agric Food Chem 59: 4104-4110, 2011.
8. Fujiwara Y, Hayashida A, Tsurushima K, Nagai R, Yoshitomi M, Daiguji N, Sakashita N, Takeya M, Tsukamoto S, Ikeda T.
Triterpenoids Isolated from Zizyphus jujuba Inhibit Foam Cell Formation in Macrophages.
J Agric Food Chem 59: 4544-4552, 2011.
9. Komohara Y, Hasita H, Ohnishi K, Fujiwara Y, Suzu S, Eto M, Takeya M.
Macrophage infiltration and its prognostic relevance in clear renal cell carcinoma.
Cancer Sci 102: 1424-1431, 2011.
10. Ohnishi K, Komohara Y, Fujiwara Y, Takemura K, Lei X, Nakagawa T, Sakashita N, Takeya M.
Suppression of TLR4-mediated inflammatory response by macrophage class A scavenger receptor (CD204).
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 411: 516-522, 2011.
11. Fujiwara Y, Komohara Y, Kudo R, Tsurushima K, Ohnishi K, Ikeda T, Takeya M.
Oleanolic acid inhibits macrophage differentiation into the M2 phenotype and glioblastoma cell proliferation by suppressing the activation of STAT3.
Oncol Rep 26: 1533-1537, 2011.
12. El-Aasr M, Fujiwara Y, Takeya M, Ono M, Nakano D, Okawa M, Kinjo J, Ikeda T, Miyashita H, Yoshimitsu H, Nohara T.
Garlicnin A from the Fraction Regulating Macrophage Activation of Allium sativum.
Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo) 59: 1340-1343, 2011.
13. Komohara Y, Horlad H, Ohnishi K, Ohta K, Makino K, Hondo H, Yamanaka R, Kajiwara K, Saito T, Kuratsu J, Takeya M.
M2 macrophage/microglial cells induce activation of Stat3 in primary central nervous system lymphoma.
J Clin Exp Hematop 51: 93-99, 2011.
14. Shimasaki S, Kubota M, Yoshitomi M, Takagi K, Suda K, Mera K, Fujiwara Y, Nagai R.
Nw-(carboxymethyl)arginine Accumulates in Glycated Collagen and Klotho-deficient Mouse Skin.
Anti-Asing Medicine 8: 82-87, 2011.
15. 竹屋元裕.
The Lipid 22: 188-196, 2011.
16. 神尾多喜浩、菰原義弘、岩谷和法、吉岡正一.
診断病理28: 134-136, 2011.
17. 藤原章雄、菰原義弘、池田剛、竹屋元裕.
日本体質医学会雑誌 73: 67-71, 2011.
18. 荒木令江、小林大樹、平山未央、尹浩信、竹屋元裕、菰原義弘、倉持朗.
神経皮膚症候群に関する調査研究 融合プロテオミクスによる神経系細胞分化に関わるNF1腫瘍抑制遺伝子関連タンパク質の解析.
神経皮膚症候群に関する調査研究 平成22年度 総括・分担研究報告書: 59-64, 2011.
1. Morimatsu Y, Sakashita N, Komohara Y, Ohnishi K, Masuda H, Dahan D, Takeya M, Guibert C, Marthan R.
Development and Characterization of an Animal Model of Severe Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension.
J Vasc Res 49: 33-42, 2012.
2. Kobayashi C, Shiina T, Tokioka A, Hattori Y, Komori T, Kobayashi-Miura M, Takizawa T, Takahara K, Inaba K, Inoko H, Takeya M, Dranoff G, Sugita M.
GM-CSF-Independent CD1a Expression in Epidermal Langerhans Cells: Evidence from Human CD1A Genome-Transgenic Mice.
J Invest Dermatol 132: 241-244, 2012.
3. Kawaguchi A, Yajima N, Komohara Y, Aoki H, Tsuchiya N, Homma J, Sano M, Natsumeda M, Uzuka T, Saitoh A, Takahashi H, Sakai Y, Takahashi H, Fujii Y, Kakuma T, Yamanaka R.
Identification and validation of gene expression signature that predicts outcome in malignant glioma patients.
Int J Oncol 40: 721-730, 2012.
4. Matsubara J, Sugamura K, Nakamura T, Fujiwara Y, Akiyama E, Kurokawa H, Nozaki T, Ohba K, Konishi M, Maeda H, Izumiya Y, Kaikita K, Sumida H, Jinnouchi H, Matsui K, Kim-Mitsuyama S, Takeya M, Ogawa H.
Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitor, Des-Fluoro-Sitagliptin, Improves Endothelial Function and Reduces Atherosclerotic Lesion Formation in Apolipoprotein-E Deficient Mice.
J Am Coll Cardiol 59: 265-276, 2012.
5. Fujiwara Y, Kiyota N, Tsurushima K, Yoshitomi M, Horlad H, Ikeda T, Nohara T, Takeya M, Nagai R.
Tomatidine, a Tomato Sapogenol, Ameliorates Hyperlipidemia and Atherosclerosis in ApoE-Deficient Mice by Inhibiting Acyl-CoA:cholesterol Acyl-transferase (ACAT).
J Agric Food Chem 60, 2472-2479, 2012.
6. Khan S, Okamoto T, Enomoto K, Sakashita N, Oyama K, Fujii S, Sawa T, Takeya M, Ogawa H, Yamabe H, Akaike T.
Potential association of Helicobacter cinaedi with atrial arrhythmia and atherosclerosis.
Microbiol Immunol 56: 145-154, 2012.
7. Liu Y, Komohara Y, Domenick N, Ohno M, Ikeura M, Hamilton RL, Horbinski C, Wang X, Ferrone S, Okada H.
Expression of antigen processing and presenting molecules in brain metastasis of breast cancer.
Cancer Immunol Immunother 61: 789-801, 2012.
8. Miyamoto H, Suzuki T, Miyauchi Y, Iwasaki R, Kobayashi T, Sato Y, Miyamoto K, Hoshi H, Hashimoto K, Yoshida S, Hao W, Mori T, Kanagawa H, Katsuyama E, Fujie A, Morioka H, Matsumoto M, Chiba K, Takeya M, Toyama Y, Miyamoto T.
OC-STAMP and DC-STAMP cooperatively modulate cell-cell fusion to form osteoclasts and foreign body giant cells.
J Bone Miner Res 27: 1289-1297, 2012.
9. Nohara T, Kiyota Y, Sakamoto T, Manabe H, Ono M, Ikeda T, Fujiwara Y, Nakano D, Kinjo J.
Garlicnins B1, C1, and D, from the Fraction Regulating Macrophage Activation of Allium sativum.
Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo) 60: 747-51, 2012.
10. Fang J, Greish K, Qin H, Liao L, Nakamura H, Takeya M, Maeda H.
HSP32 (HO-1) inhibitor, zinc protoporphyrin IX, a water-soluble micelle of copoly(styrene-maleic acid) as anticancer agent: In vitro and in vivo anticancer effect.
Eur J Pharm Biopharm 81: 540-547, 2012.
11. Hayashi H, Eguchi Y, Fukuchi-Nakaishi Y, Takeya M, Nakagata N, Tanaka K, Vance JE, Tanihara H.
A potential neuroprotective role of apolipoprotein E-containing lipoproteins through low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 in normal tension glaucoma.
J Biol Chem 287: 25395-25406, 2012.
12. Yamamoto M, Takeya M, Ikeshima-Kataoka H, Yasui M, Kawasaki Y, Shiraishi M, Majima E, Shiraishi S, Uezono Y, Sasaki M, Eto K.
Increased expression of aquaporin-4 by methylmercury in the brain of Common Marmoset.
J Toxicol Sci 37: 749-763, 2012.
13. Shiraishi D, Fujiwara Y, Komohara Y, Mizuta H, Takeya M.
Gulucagon-like peptide-1(GLP-1) induces M2 polarization of human macrophages via STAT3 activation.
BIochem BIophys Res Commun 425: 304-308, 2012.
14. Lai YL, Aoyama S, Ohata M, Otsuka N, Shiokawa H, Tomono S, Fujiwara Y, Kanazawa H, Miyoshi N, Ohshima H.
Dysregulation of dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase/asymmetric dimethylarginine pathway in rat type II diabetic nephropathy.
J Clin Biochem Nutr 51: 143-149, 2012.
15. Kawaguchi A, Iwadate Y, Komohara Y, Sano M, Kajiwara K, Yajima N, Tsuchiya N, Homma J, Aoki H, Kobayashi T, Sakai Y, Hondoh H, Fujii Y, Kakuma T, Yamanaka R.
Gene Expression Signature-Based Prognostic Risk Score in Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma Patients.
Clin Cancer Res 18: 5672-5681, 2012.
16. Komohara Y, Hasita H, Ohnishi K, Fujiwara Y, Bai B, Nakagawa T, Suzu S, Nakamura H, Kuratsu J, Takeya M.
Importance of direct macrophage-tumor cell interaction on progression of human glioma.
Cancer Sci 103: 2165-2172, 2012.
17. Ohnishi K, Oghiso Y, Takeya M.
Immunohistochemical Detection of a Possible Cellular Origin of Hepatic Histiocytic Sarcoma in Mice.
J Clin Exp Hematop 52: 171-177, 2012.
18. 竹屋元裕.
ケモカイン CCL2.
臨床免疫・アレルギー科 第57巻 特別増刊号 (Suppl.21): 349-357, 2012.
19. 菰原義弘、竹屋元裕.
がんとマクロファージ: TAMについて.
細胞工学 vol.31 No.11: 1242-1247, 2012.
20. 藤原章雄、菰原義弘、大西紘二、池田剛、竹屋元裕.
大豆たん白質研究 33: 170-175, 2012.
1. Yuki H, Ueno S, Tatetsu H, Niiro H, Iino T, Endo S, Kawano Y, Komohara Y, Takeya M, Hata H, Okada S, Watanabe T, Akashi K, Mitsuya H, Okuno Y.
PU.1 is a potent tumor suppressor in classical Hodgkin lymphoma cells.
Blood 121: 962-970, 2013.
2. Kinoshita H, Matsumura T, Ishii N, Fukuda K, Senokuchi T, Motoshima H, Kondo T, Taketa K, Kawasaki S, Hanatani S, Takeya M, Nishikawa T, Araki E.
Apocynin suppresses the progression of atherosclerosis in apoE-deficient mice by inactivation of macrophages.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 431: 124-130, 2013.
3. Tian Z, Miyata K, Tazume H, Sakauguchi H, Kadomatsu T, Horio E, Takahashi O, Komohara Y, Araki K, Hirata Y, Tabata M, Takanashi S, Takeya M, Hao H, Shimabukuro M, Sata M, Kawasuji M, Oike Y.
Perivascular adipose tissue-secreted angiopoietin-like protein2 (Angptl2) accelerates neointimal hyperplasia after endovascular injury.
J Mol Cell Cardiol 57: 1-12, 2013.
4. Yeung JT, Hamilton RL, Ohnishi K, Ikeura M, Potter DM, Nikiforova MN, Ferrone S, Jakacki RI, Pollack IF, Okada H.
LOH in the HLA Class I region at 6p21 is Associated with Shorter Survival in Newly Diagnosed Adult Glioblastoma.
Clin Cancer Res 19: 1816-1826, 2013.
5. Horlad H, Fujiwara Y, Takemura K, Ohnishi K, Ikeda T, Tsukamoto H, Mizuta H, Nishimura Y, Takeya M, Komohara Y.
Corosolic acid impairs tumor development and lung metastasis by inhibiting the immunosuppressive activity of myeloid-derived suppressor cells.
Mol Nutr Food Res 57: 1046-1054, 2013.
6. Itoh F, Komohara Y, Takaishi K, Honda R, Tashiro H, Kyo S, Katabuchi H, Takeya M.
Possible involvement of Stat3 in cell-cell interaction between peritoneal macrophages and endometrial stromal cells in human endometriosis.
Fertil Steril 99: 1705-1713, 2013.
7. Komohara Y, Niino D, Saito Y, Ohnishi K, Hasita H, Ohshima K, Takeya M.
Clinical significance of CD163+ tumor-associated macrophages in patients with adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma.
Cancer Sci 104: 945-951, 2013.
8. Hara A, Sakai N, Furuichi K, Sakai Y, Takeya M, Bucala R, Mukaida N, Takuwa Y, Matsushima K, Kaneko S, Wada T.
CCL2/CCR2 augments the production of transforming growth factor-beta1, type 1 collagen and CCL2 by human CD45-/collagen 1-positive cells under high glucose concentrations.
Clin Exp Nephrol 17: 793-804, 2013.
9. Nakagawa T, Sakashita N, Ohnishi K, Komohara Y, Takeya M.
Imprint cytological feature of large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the gallbladder: A case report.
J Med Invest 60: 149-153, 2013.
10. Eguchi K, Fujiwara Y, Hayashida A, Horlad H, Kato H, Rotinsulu H, Losung F, Mangindaan RE, de Voogd NJ, Takeya M, Tsukamoto S.
Manzamine A, a marine-derived alkaloid, inhibits accumulation of cholesterol ester in macrophages and suppresses hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis in vivo.
Bioorg Med Chem 21: 3831-3838, 2013.
11. Niibori-Nambu A, Midorikawa U, Mizuguchi S, Hide T, Nagai M, Komohara Y, Nagayama M, Hirayama M, Kobayashi D, Tsubota N, Takezaki T, Makino K, Nakamura H, Takeya M, Kuratsu J, Araki N.
Glioma Initiating Cells Form a Differentiation Niche Via the Induction of Extracellular Matrices and Integrin αV.
PLoS One 8: e59558, 2013.
12. Sakashita N, Kagawa S, Date S, Ueno T, Nakagawa T, Yamashita T, Obayashi K, Ohshima T, Ueda M, Horiguchi H, Ando Y, Takeya M.
Marked cardiomegaly in a patient with familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy after orthotopic liver transplantation: a case study.
Pathol Int 63: 260-265, 2013.
13. Nohara T, Fujiwara Y, Ikeda T, Murakami K, Ono M, Nakano D, Kinjo J.
Cyclic Sulfoxides Garlicnins B2, B3, B4, C2, and C3 from Allium sativum.
Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo) 61: 695-699, 2013.
14. Manabe H, Fujiwara Y, Ikeda T, Ono M, Murakami K, Zhou JR, Yokomizo K, Nohara T.
Saponins esculeosides B-1 and B-2 in italian canned tomatoes.
Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo) 61: 764-767, 2013.
15. Ohnishi K, Komohara Y, Saito Y, Miyamoto Y, Watanabe M, Baba H, Takeya M.
CD169-positive macrophages in regional lymph nodes are associated with a favorable prognosis in patients with colorectal carcinoma.
Cancer Sci 104: 1237-1244, 2013.
16. Bai B, Horlad H, Saito Y, Ohnishi K, Fujiwara Y, Takeya M, Komohara Y.
Role of Stat3 activation in cell-cell interaction between B-cell lymphoma and macrophages: the in vitro study.
J Clin Exp Hematop 53: 127-133, 2013.
17. Fujiwara Y, Takaishi K, Nakao J, Ikeda T, Katabuchi H, Takeya M, Komohara Y.
Corosolic acid enhances the anti-tumor effects of chemotherapy to ovarian cancer by inhibiting STAT3 signaling.
Oncol Lett 6: 1619-1623, 2013.
18. Sugihara H, Ishimoto T, Watanabe M, Sawayama H, Iwatsuki M, Baba Y, Komohara Y, Takeya M, Baba H.
Identification of miR-30e* regulation of Bmi1 expression mediated by tumor-associated macrophages in gastrointestinal cancer.
PLos One 8: e81839, 2013.
19. Itoh M, Kato H, Suganami T, Konuma K, Marumoto Y, Terai S, Sakugawa H, Kanai A, Hamaguchi M, Fukaishi T, Aoe S, Akiyoshi K, Komohara Y, Takeya M, Sakaida I, Ogawa Y.
Hepatic crown-like structure: a unique histological feature in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis in mice and humans.
PLos One 8: e82163, 2013.
20. Baghdadi M, Yoneda A, Yamashina T, Nagao H, Komohara Y, Nagai S, Akiba H, Foretz M, Yoshiyama H, Kinoshita I, Dosaka-Akita H, Takeya M, Viollet B, Yagita H, Jinushi M.
TIM-4 Glycoprotein-Mediated Degradation of Dying Tumor Cells by Autophagy Leads to Reduced Antigen Presentation and Increased Immune Tolerance.
Immunity 39: 1070-1081, 2013.
21. 寺崎泰弘、寺崎美佳、一門和也、竹屋元裕、福田悠.